How to Remove the First Empty Column in a CSS Grid

How do I remove the first empty column in a CSS grid?

.clearfix will probably be throwing in a ::before and possible an ::after with display table et all which does not play well with grid layout so..


/* position absolute breaks it free and clear from the grid layout */
ul.inrpager.clearfix::before {

ul.inrpager.clearfix::after {

Is it possible to hide columns with empty content via the grid-template-columns definition?

Using grid-template-columns: fit-content(100px) (see with an absolute length the column-width fits to its contents (with no minimum) clamped to a maximum width (of 100px in this case).

#container {  display: grid;  grid-template-columns: fit-content(100px) auto;  grid-gap: 5px;  height: 200px;  width: 100%;  background-color: #8cffa0;  padding: 10px;}
#container > div { background-color: #c0c0c0;}
<div id="container">  <div>Lorem</div>  <div>     Placeat, rerum illo eligendi, hic eum magnam quo architecto necessitatibus sunt sequi repellendus suscipit fuga tenetur atque corrupti modi saepe! Iusto, provident.  </div></div>

In CSS Grid how to remove column 1's matching height of column 2?

You can't stop the columns being equal height but you can align the content of the columns so it does not achieve the default 100% height.

Note that the row will still have the same height but this has the visual appearance you seem to be after.

.container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) 300px;
.col1 {
.col2 {
<div class="container">
<div class="col1">Bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille pig beef, prosciutto tongue ball tip cow ham. Ground round salami tenderloin, biltong tail pastrami pork shoulder pork loin. Picanha cow ribeye meatloaf tri-tip pork chop burgdoggen salami beef chuck alcatra swine ground round. Tail doner tri-tip flank brisket prosciutto chislic capicola meatloaf picanha swine. Shankle capicola venison beef boudin, strip steak alcatra bacon sirloin cupim spare ribs short ribs kielbasa pork loin ground round. Leberkas short loin boudin meatloaf.</div>
<div class="col2">Kielbasa pastrami tenderloin, turkey short loin pork loin swine fatback flank leberkas prosciutto hamburger t-bone drumstick. Jowl picanha ham, t-bone filet mignon short ribs turducken leberkas. Turducken ham hock alcatra, shoulder tail sirloin strip steak hamburger picanha jerky tenderloin spare ribs tri-tip. Tenderloin prosciutto picanha, capicola kevin pig biltong t-bone pork chop boudin porchetta bacon salami chicken fatback. Ham hock pancetta tail tenderloin jerky ground round chislic frankfurter shank picanha pork belly strip steak pork chop. Short loin andouille biltong corned beef pig pork chop pork bacon tri-tip jerky.

Filet mignon meatloaf drumstick hamburger ham hock landjaeger tri-tip ribeye swine. Ham shankle tongue, kielbasa swine burgdoggen tenderloin beef ribs buffalo meatball hamburger leberkas picanha t-bone. Beef ribs ball tip ham pork loin capicola filet mignon. Hamburger sausage shoulder meatball pork chop tail spare ribs, fatback burgdoggen drumstick short loin swine pork loin.

Kielbasa boudin cow beef beef ribs tongue pork chop frankfurter sausage burgdoggen. Flank landjaeger leberkas spare ribs alcatra, swine corned beef boudin shoulder pig prosciutto pancetta pork chop. Pork chop turducken andouille filet mignon alcatra porchetta cupim tri-tip cow tongue beef meatball doner. Beef ribs ham hock chuck shank doner.


Empty columns in responsive grid?

Mayor browsers ignore width for empty divs, a simple way to avoid this behavior is adding   to empty divs.

<div> </div>

Is it possible to remove the height from empty rows in grid with `grid-template-areas`?

You can keep the use of grid-colum/grid-row but simplify your code like below in case you will always have the good order in the HTML code:

.grid {  display: grid;  grid-auto-rows: 20px;  grid-auto-flow: dense; /*to make sure we fill all the space (not mandatory)*/  grid-template-columns: 20px 20px 20px;  grid-gap: 5px;  background: black;  margin:5px;}/*only need this*/.card-1,.card-8 {  grid-column:span 2;}.card-3,.card-5 {  grid-row:span 2;}/**/
.card-1 {background: red;}.card-2 {background: orange;}.card-3 {background: yellow;}.card-4 {background: green;}.card-5 {background: cyan;}.card-6 {background: blue;}.card-7 {background: indigo;}.card-8 {background: gray;}
<div class="grid">  <div class="card-1"></div>  <div class="card-2"></div></div>
<div class="grid"> <div class="card-1"></div> <div class="card-2"></div> <div class="card-3"></div> <div class="card-4"></div></div>
<div class="grid"> <div class="card-1"></div> <div class="card-2"></div> <div class="card-3"></div> <div class="card-4"></div> <div class="card-5"></div> <div class="card-6"></div></div>
<div class="grid"> <div class="card-1"></div> <div class="card-2"></div> <div class="card-3"></div> <div class="card-4"></div> <div class="card-5"></div> <div class="card-6"></div> <div class="card-7"></div> <div class="card-8"></div></div>

How to delete empty cells in css grid?

is this what you want ?

I updated the following code to make it work

#header__submenu-item-block {
grid-column: 4;
grid-row: 1 / 3;

check below the working sample.

learn about Grid from Here

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