How to Insert a Template into Another Template

How do you insert a template into another template?

You can do:

<div class="basic">
{% include "main/includes/subtemplate.html" %}

where subtemplate.html is another Django template. In this subtemplate.html you can put the HTML that would be obtained with Ajax.

You can also include the template multiple times:

<div class="basic">
{% for item in items %}
{% include "main/includes/subtemplate.html" %}
{% endfor %}

django include a template into another template

You should have something like this in your view:

def post(request):
post_list = posts_created.objects.all() # or something which you want to do.
context = {
'post_list': post_list,
return render(request, 'detail.html', context)

In template:

{% include "app_name/list.html" with objects=post_list %}

How can I include a template in another with pandoc?

There are two solutions to this:

  1. Use variables instead of metadata in your defaults file. Variables are inserted verbatim, while metadata will be escaped.

  2. To insert the file navigation.html in a template, use ${navigation.html()}. Pandoc uses the doctemplates package for templates, see the docs on "partials" for more details.

Shopify: Include a template into another template

No Shopify template can be included / called into another template. You should rely on snippets.

Insert one template into another

Not sure if I fully understand your use-case (don't take it the wrong way, I am not an English native speaker, but I have the impression your description could be clearer).

However I believe all you need is another directive.

I have put together a JSBin that shows how it all fits together. Here are the relevant parts:

Directive wrapper

.directive('wrapper', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,

/* The 2nd template */


Template for wrapper

<div class="wrapper">
<div class="content">
<div ng-transclude />



A couple of notes:

  1. I have separated the directive HTML out into script-templates because that makes the Javascript part more concise and easier to read. You can of course copy them back in and change templateUrl to template.

  2. The wrapper directive does the same as your sides directive, but needs only one slot for transclusion. Whatever you write inside gets copied back into the resulting HTML

  3. Your resulting HTML still contains tags like <sides> or <side-left>. I don't know if that is desired (it's allowed in HTML5 after all), but I would try to move them to <div class="sides"> and <div class="side-left">

If you want to fix the last point then you can use the link-function to replace the unusual tags:

link: function(scope, el, attr, ctrl, transclude) {

I have prepared a second version of my JSBin that shows this for <sides> and <wrapper> (and also uses Angular 1.5, so the multi-slot transclusion works).

How to include html template into another html with javascript

Yes you can use the javascript externally with Django. You can create a separate file say myscript.js and then add it as a static file to your django project. Then link it in the base file of your templates like <script src="{% static 'myscript.js' %}"></script>. It will work with every html file that extends from the base file.

include a terraform template in another template

I think you could use templatefile:





data "template_file" "vars_a" {
template = templatefile("a.tmpl", {})

output "test" {
value = data.template_file.vars_a.template

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