How to Float a Div Over Google Maps

How to float a div over Google Maps?

Try this:

#wrapper { position: relative; }
#over_map { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; z-index: 99; }

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="google_map">


<div id="over_map">


How to float a div over Google Maps and keep it in fullscreen?

I finally could solve it.
What I had to do was put the div that I want to be superimposed on the first div that is generated when the Google map is initialized.

My html code is the same, the only thing I did was move it with jquery after all the elements of the website are loaded.

My html code super explained and verified:
(Imagine that the following code is inside the basic structure of an html page)

<div class="gx-card-body">
<!-- <div class="cont-fab">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="gx-fab-btn gx-btn-primary">
<i class="zmdi zmdi-account-add zmdi-hc-fw zmdi-hc-lg"></i>
</div> -->
<div class="cont-items-monitor overlay" style="display: none">
<li>Seat León JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat Ibiza JMG-8823</li>
<li>VW Vento JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan Versa JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan March JMG-8823</li>
<li>Lincoln Navigator JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat León JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat Ibiza JMG-8823</li>
<li>VW Vento JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan Versa JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan March JMG-8823</li>
<li>Lincoln Navigator JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat León JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat Ibiza JMG-8823</li>
<li>VW Vento JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan Versa JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan March JMG-8823</li>
<li>Lincoln Navigator JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat León JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat Ibiza JMG-8823</li>
<li>VW Vento JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan Versa JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan March JMG-8823</li>
<li>Lincoln Navigator JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat León JMG-8823</li>
<li>Seat Ibiza JMG-8823</li>
<li>VW Vento JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan Versa JMG-8823</li>
<li>Nissan March JMG-8823</li>
<li>Lincoln Navigator JMG-8823</li>

<div id="google-map"></div>

My JS code (jQuery):

$(document).ready(function () {

I hope it serves someone else

Float a div over Google Maps

I think it will be fixed if you just add a position to the elements. Z-index needs a position to work..

So put "position:relative;" on both elements and you will be fine.

Div over Google map

The problem is that google maps need a concrete height attribute in order to work.

Here's an example:

Note that height: 400px; will work, but height: 100%; will leave you with a blank screen.

There are various workarounds to get a "full screen" map. The best, cross-browser ones will use some kind of jQuery to set the height of the map_canvas based on the current window size, with a listener to window resize to reset the height.

Float a div over google maps while maintaining bootstrap responsiveness

The map can be positioned absolutely and the container can be positioned relatively over the map.

<div id="content">
<div id="gmap"></div>
<div class="container overlap"></div>

#gmap {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;}
.overlap {position:relative}

see here in a pen:

div on top of div with Google Maps API

Can't you changed the positions of the DIVs like this:

<div id="menu"></div>
<div id="map"></div>

If not you could go something like this:

<div id="map"></div>
<div id="menu"></div>

position: absolute;
top: 10px; /* adjust value accordingly */
left: 10px; /* adjust value accordingly */

Update 2

Cross-browser transparency style:

background-color: #000000;
background-image: none;
opacity: 0.5;
filter: alpha(opacity=50);

Just apply the class dropSheet to the element you want to make transparent.

Float a Div over Google Maps at specific lat / lng

You can use an Overlay View.

See the Google example here:

Overlay DIV on Google Maps

Ok, if you manage to get both the #over and #map-canvas2 inside a separate wrapper, you can pull it off pretty easy like so:

  • this wrapper that holds both these ids, set it to relative positioned, so that any absolute positioned children, will be bound to this parent;
  • the overlay thingy, #over, set it to position: absolute, and if you want it to stretch to its parent height, then either use 100% height, or use top and bottom props.(dont forget to take into account any borders,margins etc.)
  • and that should do it.

Check out the example here and hopefully this will help you out.

How to have a div overlap google maps without using relative/absolute positioning?

Firstly, You need to understand how the position and z-index properties work correctly please check the following links:

Now for an answer to your question. If you have read and understood the position property and the z-index property correctly. You will see that by default the property if not specifically set of an element is set to position:static on which z-index does not apply. For z-index to work your position property needs to be specifically set to relative/fixed/absolute.

For your solution you need to do the following in your css.

  1. Add position:relative to your #div2 class with the z-index as it is.
  2. Next though you will see that point 1 fix will get you the desired result but still the #div3 does not have position specifically set to apply it's z-index just in case. So please add that and also try setting low but positive value of the z-index say z-index:999;. We dont want the div to go back down the bottom for any other control to show up above it or hide it if need be.

Hope this helps.

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