How to Choose Between 'Class' and 'Id'

How to choose between `class` and `id`

Use id to identify elements that there will only be a single instance of on a page. For instance, if you have a single navigation bar that you are placing in a specific location, use id="navigation".

Use class to group elements that all behave a certain way. For instance, if you want your company name to appear in bold in body text, you might use <span class='company'>.

What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them?

For more info on this click here.


<div id="header_id" class="header_class">Text</div>

#header_id {font-color:#fff}
.header_class {font-color:#000}

(Note that CSS uses the prefix # for IDs and . for Classes.)

However color was an HTML 4.01 <font> tag attribute deprecated in HTML 5.
In CSS there is no "font-color", the style is color so the above should read:


<div id="header_id" class="header_class">Text</div>

#header_id {color:#fff}
.header_class {color:#000}

The text would be white.

CSS Best Practice about ID and Class?

I guess they always use the id in examples because it's less ambiguous. You know that they're talking specifically about that one element and its styles.

In general, the rule of thumb is that you should ask yourself: "is there more than one element which requires the same style, now or at any time in the future?", and the answer is even "maybe", then make it a class.

What's the difference between an id and a class?

ids must be unique where as class can be applied to many things. In CSS, ids look like #elementID and class elements look like .someClass

In general, use id whenever you want to refer to a specific element and class when you have a number of things that are all alike. For instance, common id elements are things like header, footer, sidebar. Common class elements are things like highlight or external-link.

It's a good idea to read up on the cascade and understand the precedence assigned to various selectors:

The most basic precedence you should understand, however, is that id selectors take precedence over class selectors. If you had this:

<p id="intro" class="foo">Hello!</p>


#intro { color: red }
.foo { color: blue }

The text would be red because the id selector takes precedence over the class selector.

Whats the difference between using .Class or #ElementId in CSS?

An ID must be unique in a document. Classes can be used in any number and combination. So you can use one class on multiple elements and multiple classes on one element.

How to combine class and ID in CSS selector?

In your stylesheet:


Edit: These might help, too:

div#content.myClass.aSecondClass.aThirdClass /* Won't work in IE6, but valid */
div.firstClass.secondClass /* ditto */

and, per your example:


Edit, 4 years later: Since this is super old and people keep finding it: don't use the tagNames in your selectors. #content.myClass is faster than div#content.myClass because the tagName adds a filtering step that you don't need. Use tagNames in selectors only where you must!

CSS: are class and id interchangeable?

In answer to the question 'why do we use both classes and ids for CSS, when you're allowed to have a single instance of a class?', look at it this way.

We don't need IDs for CSS. We could just use single instances of classes.

But we need IDs for JavaScript. So, why not use them in CSS too?

Imagine a world in which IDs were there, but only used for JavaScript.

You'd have to code like this:

<div id="wrapper" class="wrapper">
<div id="nav" class="nav">


and so on.

What is the difference between classes and IDs in CSS? Explain with example of where to use

IDs are meant to be unique, while classes are better for a "type" of element.

So you might have something like:

<ul id="menu">

Because you will probably only have 1 main menu on your site.

For classes, however, you might have something like:

<span class='author'>Paolo Bergantino</span>

Or perhaps to style the div that contains an answer on this site:

<div class='answer'>....</div>

Because there will be multiple of these per page, they are a class of elements. Think of an ID as the social security number of an element. Whenever an element is important enough and is unique, you give it an ID. This also helps with dynamic websites as selecting elements by ID is by far the fastest way, and if you have multiple elements with the same ID (thus violating this practice) Javascript won't work as intended.

Which to use div class=name or div id=name?

They do not do the same is used to target a specific element, classname can be used to target multiple elements.


<div id="mycolor1" class="mycolor2">     hello world </div>
<div class="mycolor2"> hello world2 </div>
<div class="mycolor2"> hello world3 </div>

Now, you can refer all the divs with classname mycolor2 at once using

.mycolor2{ color: red } //for example - in css

This would set all nodes with class mycolor2 to red.

However, if you want to set specifically mycolor1 to blue , you can target it specifically like this:

#mycolor1{ color: blue; }

processing speed difference between CSS class and id

ID's are faster in some cases, but not all

It’s a common belief that ID selectors are the fastest, but this comes with a big caveat: IDs are fastest CSS selector only if they’re the key selector. What’s that? Well, while you probably read selectors from left to right, browsers read them from right to left.

There's also a performance test here for your numbers request:


ID's used correctly are faster, but with such a minimal difference vs classes - it's not worth any consideration.

It seems to me that there are no convincing reasons to use IDs in selectors for CSS styling¹, as CSS classes can do everything IDs can. Hopefully you’ll agree there are some good reasons not to. Think about it the next time you start a personal project or redesign your own site, and try adding a class (or ARIA landmark roles) for styling instead. Save IDs for fragment identifiers or JavaScript hooks

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