How to Add a Title to a HTML Select Tag

How to add a title to a html select tag

<option selected disabled>Choose one</option>
<option value="sydney">Sydney</option>
<option value="melbourne">Melbourne</option>
<option value="cromwell">Cromwell</option>
<option value="queenstown">Queenstown</option>

Using selected and disabled will make "Choose one" be the default selected value, but also make it impossible for the user to actually select the item, like so:

Dropdown menu

Adding title attribute to select option dynamically with .append()

You can just specify the title upon appending:



<select id="my_select"></select>


$('#my_select').append('<option title="value1">value1</option>');
$('#my_select').append('<option title="value2">value2</option>');
$('#my_select').append('<option title="value3">value3</option>');

javascript: set title of option in select tag with javascript

It looks like you're using jQuery. There is a much simpler way to do what you want. Just use the jQuery API rather than regressing back to vanilla DOM:

value: 'countryUSA',
title: 'Full description of USA',
text: 'United States of America'

That said, do you expect setting the title to make a browser-native tooltip to appear while the hovering over the <option>? At least in Chrome, no such tooltip will appear.

Try it yourself:

Edit Chrome and Safari do not show a tooltip on <option>s with a title attribute because WebKit doesn't. See this bug report.

add dyanmically title attributes to select option elements javascript

new option does not support it (most browsers do not support title on options), but you would need to either select the option and add the attribute or use createElement to make the new element.

const selectbox = document.querySelector('select')selectbox.options[selectbox.options.length] = new Option('1', '1')selectbox.options[selectbox.options.length-1].title = 'blah 1'
var opt = document.createElement('option')opt.value = '2'opt.text = '2'opt.title = 'blah 2';selectbox.appendChild(opt);

How to add title in data-bind select option

You can use optionsAfterRender which have been documented here.

If you need to run some further custom logic on the generated option elements, you can use the optionsAfterRender callback. The callback function is invoked each time an option element is inserted into the list, with the following parameters:

So a sample for what you want would be:

var VM = function(){  this.options = ko.observableArray(["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]);  this.selectedOptions = ko.observableArray(["Option 2"]);  this.setTitle = function(option, item){    ko.applyBindingsToNode(option, {attr: {title: "FieldDescription"}});    // option.title = "FieldDescription"; // Or this line directly  }}
ko.applyBindings(new VM());
<script src=""></script><select multiple="true" data-bind="options: options, selectedOptions: selectedOptions, optionsAfterRender: setTitle">

HTML title for dropdown list

thanks for replies.
I found a away by putting it in a div and giving the div a title...

<div title="select number">
<select id="select">

How do I show option title from select menu in another spot

Here is a JavaScript alternative of the first code :

<select id="amount_id"><!-- removed onclick --><option value="" disabled>Amount</option>   <option value="0" title="None">0</option>  <option value="1" title="One Quarter">1/4</option>  <option value="2" title="One Half">1/2</option>  <option value="3" title="Three Quarters">3/4</option>  <option value="4" title="All">100%</option></select><textarea id="displayTitle"></textarea><script>  document.getElementById("amount_id").addEventListener('change',function(){     var eTitle = this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('title');     document.getElementById("displayTitle").value = eTitle;  });</script>

set title of option tag with its text using jquery

You don't need the each(), jQuery methods do that automatically; so I'd suggest:

$('#try option').prop('title', function(){
return this.text;

$('#try option').prop('title', function() {  return this.text;});
<script src=""></script><select multiple="multiple" id="try">  <option value="1">Option #1</option>  <option value="2">Option #2</option>  <option value="3">Option #3</option></select>

How can I have a drop down box where you pick something and it sets the HTML title tag set to what the drop down is set on?

In this code you are storing current title in var x. you need to write like this:

document.title="Some Text or variable";

if you need to set value of dropdown item as title then to give id to select tag then
var newtitle = document.getElementById("id_of_selectTag").value;

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