CSS Background Stripes on Div

CSS Background Stripes on div

try this :

div#stripes {

height: 200px;

width: 200px;

background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #000 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, #000 50%, #000 75%, transparent 75%, #fff);

background-size: 50px 50px;

<div id="stripes">


CSS background stripes with 1px white, the rest transparent

To get exact pixel dimensions, you can use pixels instead of percentages:

body {

background: #222;


.stripes {

background: repeating-linear-gradient(


#fff, /* White, starting at pixel 0 */

#fff 1px, /* White, continuing to pixel 1 */

transparent 1px, /* Transparent beginning at pixel 1 */

transparent 10px /* Transparent ending at pixel 11 (10 + 1) */


width: 180px;

height: 56px;

z-index: 99;

position: absolute;

left: 0;

top: 0;


.stripes2px {

background: repeating-linear-gradient(


#fff, /* White, starting at pixel 0 */

#fff 2px, /* White, continuing to pixel 2 */

transparent 2px, /* Transparent beginning at pixel 2 */

transparent 12px /* Transparent ending at pixel 14 (12 + 2) */


top: 56px;


.stripes-fade {

background: repeating-linear-gradient(


#fff, /* White, starting at pixel 0 */

#fff 1px, /* White, continuing to pixel 1 */

transparent 2px, /* Transparent beginning at pixel 2 */

transparent 10px /* Transparent ending at pixel 12 (10 + 2) */


top: 112px;

<div class="stripes"></div>

<div class="stripes stripes2px"></div>

<div class="stripes stripes-fade"></div>

Background - single diagonal stripe

You just need to provide correct start and stop values for the colors. The occurrence of the multiple white stripes were due to the multiple #fff values that were used after 73.81%.

div {

background: linear-gradient(135deg, #5cbcb0 5%, #ffffff 5%, #ffffff 15%, #5cbcb0 15%);

/* Start #5cbcb0 from 0 and end at 5%, Start #fff at 5% and end at 15%, Start #5cbcb0 again at 15% and end at 100% */

background-size: 593.97px 593.97px;

background-repeat: no-repeat; /* To avoid multiple instances */

<div style="height: 200px;"></div>

Generate diagonal lines (stripes) in CSS

You can use base64 data as a png image. For example:

background-image: url();

This is a good generator

An example of it at work

Center striped backgrounds in css

Yes it is. You can use repeating-conic-gradient.

div {
height: 500px;
background: repeating-conic-gradient(
hsla(0,0%,100%,.2) 0deg 15deg,
hsla(0,0%,100%,0) 0deg 30deg
) #ccb300;

Having Striped Dashed lines as background

You can use repeating-linear-gradient like this:

body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
width: 100w;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
tomato 0px,
tomato 2px,
transparent 2px,
transparent 9px
div {
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
white 0px,
white 4px,
transparent 4px,
transparent 12px

Stripes on background: some stripes must be transparent

You will need different gradient to simulate this random background:

.box {


border:1px solid;


repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent 0 100px,green 100px 102px) 0 0,

repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent 0 140px,green 140px 142px) 0 0/100% 80%,

repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,transparent 0 120px,green 120px 122px) 40px 10%/100% 50%;


<div class="box"></div>

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