Change Navbar Breakpoint in Bootstrap 3.3.2

Change Navbar breakpoint in Bootstrap 3.3.2

Which version of bootstrap are you using? 3.1? Anyway, I need as well your css to help you to fix it, but generally:

@media (max-width: 1200px) {
.navbar-header {
float: none;
.navbar-left,.navbar-right {
float: none !important;
.navbar-toggle {
display: block;
.navbar-collapse {
border-top: 1px solid transparent;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
.navbar-fixed-top {
top: 0;
border-width: 0 0 1px;
.navbar-collapse.collapse {
display: none!important;
.navbar-nav {
float: none!important;
margin-top: 7.5px;
.navbar-nav>li {
float: none;
.navbar-nav>li>a {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
display:block !important;
.navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {
position: static;
float: none;
width: auto;
margin-top: 0;
background-color: transparent;
border: 0;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;

The max width is the breakpoint. Copied from Bootply (with demo included there).

Change bootstrap navbar collapse breakpoint without using LESS

You have to write a specific media query for this, from your question, below 768px, the navbar will collapse, so apply it above 768px and below 1000px, just like that:

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1000px) {
.collapse {
display: none !important;

This will hide the navbar collapse until the default occurrence of the bootstrap unit. As the collapse class flips the inner assets inside navbar collapse will be automatically hidden, like wise you have to set your css as you desired design.

Bootstrap 3 Navbar Collapse

I had the same problem today.

Bootstrap 4

It's a native functionality:

You have to use .navbar-expand{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl} classes:

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-light bg-light">

Bootstrap 3

@media (max-width: 991px) {
.navbar-header {
float: none;
.navbar-toggle {
display: block;
.navbar-collapse {
border-top: 1px solid transparent;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
.navbar-collapse.collapse {
display: none!important;
.navbar-nav {
float: none!important;
margin: 7.5px -15px;
.navbar-nav>li {
float: none;
.navbar-nav>li>a {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
.navbar-text {
float: none;
margin: 15px 0;
/* since 3.1.0 */ {
display: block!important;
.collapsing {
overflow: hidden!important;

Just change 991px by 1199px for md sizes.


Modify width to wrap navbar on bootstrap menu

You will have to change bootstrap navbar breakpoint , there is already a solution to this check out this link

Change Navbar breakpoint in Bootstrap 3.3.2

Modify width to wrap navbar on bootstrap menu

You will have to change bootstrap navbar breakpoint , there is already a solution to this check out this link

Change Navbar breakpoint in Bootstrap 3.3.2

Bootstrap 3 - show collapsed navigation for all screen sizes

You can use override the default Bootstrap CSS like this...

    .navbar-header {
float: none;
.navbar-toggle {
display: block;
.navbar-collapse {
border-top: 1px solid transparent;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
.navbar-collapse.collapse {
display: none!important;
.navbar-nav {
float: none!important;
margin: 7.5px -15px;
.navbar-nav>li {
float: none;
.navbar-nav>li>a {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;


This will ensure that the collapsed navbar is always used by overriding the Bootstrap @media queries.

Update: For Bootstrap 4, you just need to remove the navbar-toggleable class:

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