"Attribute Name Not Allowed on Element Div at This Point"

Attribute name not allowed on element div at this point

The error message seems pretty self explanatory. You cannot have a name attribute on a div tag. So your code could look like this:

<div id="message" class="jGrowl bottom-right errorGrowl"></div>

and then use id selectors:


W3C validation error: Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point.

You have a div tag in the head of your document, that will cause an error.

Error: Attribute audio_url not allowed on element li at this point

If you want to keep your markup like that, you could add data- as prefix to your invented attributes:

<li data-audio_url="music/Castaway.mp3" 
class="list-group-item playlist-item"

But it would typically be better to use semantic markup. For example, something like this:

<button type="button" data-audio_url="music/Castaway.mp3">
<img src="images/isos_ep.jpg" alt="Sample Image">

(assuming that a click adds the track to the playlist)

W3C Validation: Attribute alt not allowed on element a at this point

You want to use title attribute, not alt.

Attribute “datetime” not allowed on element “span” at this point

datetime a valid attribute for <time>, <ins>, and <del> tags which would be semantically perfect for that layout.

<span class="alignright">
<br/>Last Modified :
<time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2022-06-20T20:39:45">20th June 2022</time><br/>
Date Published :
<time itemprop="dateCreated" datetime="2014-04-16T10:38:32">16th April 2014</time>

Attribute itemprop not allowed on element meta at this point

Drop the property attribute and just do this:

<meta itemprop="productID" content="12">

The property attribute is an RDFa attribute, not a Microdata attribute.

W3c Validation gives an error when using data attribute Attribute data not allowed on element a at this point

Whenever you see a reference to a "data attribute", it does not literally mean an attribute called data.

A data attribute, more fully known as a custom data attribute, is an attribute, of any name and value you choose, whose name is prefixed with data-. For example, data-color or data-category. Sometimes they're written as "data-* attributes" to make it clearer that the data- portion is a prefix and not the entire attribute name.

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