Assign Variables to Child Template in {% Include %} Tag Django

Assign variables to child template in {% include %} tag Django

Like @Besnik suggested, it's pretty simple:

{% include "subject_file_upload.html" with form=form foo=bar %}

The documentation for include mentions this. It also mentions that you can use only to render the template with the given variables only, without inheriting any other variables.

Thank you @Besnik

Django {% include %} tag displays hardcorded string but not variable

When you include section.html in your index.html template, it doesn't automatically include the context from the section view. You need to include the context in the myblog view.

def myblog(request):
word = "my_word"
return render(request, 'index.html', {'word_in_template':word}))

In the template, the correct way to do the include is word_in_template=word_in_template, since word_in_template is the key in the context dictionary.

{% include "section.html" with word_in_template=word_in_template %}

passing dynamic variable from parent template to child template in django

I solved my problem by putting child template modal form in the parent template file and assigning unique id to modal form. In this way I was able to call addToPlaylist for each song uniquely.

Django. Pass an array to a child template via include tag

Do like

{% include "template.html" with foo = 'one,two' %}

and use split

Pass variable to included template in django

you must declare variable first then include child template

{% block footer %}
{% with var="foo" %}
{% include "_footer.html" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}

Django pass object to include

You do not need to surround arguments in {{ }} brackets in template tags.

If it's a variable, not a string, then do not use "" quotes.

The following should work:

{% include "admin/includes/pager.html" with title_pager=myobject.title %}

{% include "admin/includes/pager.html" with title_pager=myobject %}

See the Django docs for the include tag for more information.

Is there a way to pass a variable to an 'extended' template in Django?

I suspect that block is what you are looking for in the first place.

Form your block inside the base template like this:

{% block sidebar_wrapper %}
{% if sidebar %}
<div class="width{{sidebar_width}}">
{% block sidebar %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock sidebar_wrapper%}

And on your child template:

{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block sidebar_wrapper %}
{% with sidebar=True sidebar_width=4 %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endwith%}
{% endblock sidebar_wrapper%}

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