Xamarin Project Not Running, Assembly Not Found

Xamarin project not running, assembly not found

Thanks for all the suggestions. I just updated Windows 10 and it worked. I had and old Windows build so I guess it was related to my Windows being outdated.

Assembly not found error in Xamarin Studio

The EndPoint class is not part of any PCL profile based on looking at the documentation. At the end of the class information it should say whether it is supported in Portable Class Libraries, which it does for the HttpWebRequest class for example.

If I create a PCL project in Xamarin Studio and use the assembly browser the System.dll file does not contain any classes but a set of TypeForwardedTo attributes so I am not sure which System.dll you are viewing.

I suspect that one of your projects or assemblies is using some types which are not available for Portable Class Libraries.

Xamarin.Forms : Error running program in debug mode after reinstalling Visual Studio 2019 v 16.11.11 preview 1.0

Editing the project (several hundred pages long) never worked.
I found at https://my.visualstudio.com/ the way to download Visual Studio 16.11.13 and installed it.
I opened my project and had no mistakes. Execution in debug mode was successful from the first time. There is therefore an incompatibility between version 16.11 and newer versions, such as preview, 17.1 and later.

Conclusion: The only way to resolve this issue is to reinstall the same version that was used to develop the solution.

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