Writing String at the Same Position Using Console.Write in C# 2.0

Writing string at the same position using Console.Write in C# 2.0

Use Console.SetCursorPosition to set the position. If you need to determine it first, use the Console.CursorLeft and Console.CursorTop properties.

how to write two string and their two variables values using 1 Console.Writeline() in c#

What I think you're trying to achieve can be done like this:

Console.WriteLine("Symbol : " + parentNode.symbol + " frequency is : " + code);

i.e. Console.WriteLine(string)

But a better way would be to use the following overload Console.WriteLine(string, params object[]):

Console.WriteLine("Symbol : {0} frequency is : {1}", parentNode.symbol, code);

And as of C# 6, you can use string interpolation (note the $ before the string):

Console.WriteLine($"Symbol : {parentNode.symbol} frequency is : {code}");

The problem is that your code is using the second overload of Console.WriteLine but your code is not written in a way that this method can understand it.

For more information, see the MSDN documentation on the Console.WriteLine methods:

  • Console.WriteLine(string)
  • Console.WriteLine(string, params object[])

C# Console.Write print out in text file?

I don't know why you need to write in a file in your particular case but if you want Console.WriteLine to write in a file you may use Console.SetOut(sw);

Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
FileStream fs = new FileStream("Test.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
Console.WriteLine("Hello file");

How can I write these variables into one line of code in C#?

Look into composite formatting:

Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1}.{2}", mon, da, yer);

You could also write (although it's not really recommended):

Console.WriteLine(mon + "." + da + "." + yer);

And, with the release of C# 6.0, you have string interpolation expressions:

Console.WriteLine($"{mon}.{da}.{yer}");  // note the $ prefix.

C# - Using regular Console.WriteLine formatting in a custom console extension method?

You can simple use string interpolation that was broad with c#6

Xconsole.MessageToConsole($"{Name} hits the {monster.Name} for {damage} damage. {monster.Name} now has {monster.CurrentHp} hp remaining");

Just put a dollar symbol before your string and use the variable names in the brackets.

You can read more about string interpolation here.

Rewriting characters in command window

Have a look at Writing string at the same position using Console.Write in C# 2.0

  • Console.SetCursorPosition Method
  • Console.CursorLeft Property
  • Console.CursorTop Property

positioning and moving a shape in console application(console.write(bla bla bla);)

Have you looked at MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.console.aspx

1 - You will have to work out the shapes yourself, enjoy.

Here is a code that does somthing but you already have some in your example.

int pos = 0
int limit = 80
while (true)
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(limit);
for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
if (i = pos)
line.Append(" ");
if (pos = (limit - 1))
pos = 0;

2 - You can move the console window with Console.WindowLeft and Console.WindowsTop

3 - Shape is the wrong word and idea here, you can only read and write lines of text. You could create the impression of a moving shape by using a char say 0 or as background, populating the whole line as "blank", Then use some other chars to represent your shape. See the example above.

4 - Same as 2.

Format table in C# console application with strings of varying length

You could use the PadLeft string function in c# to achieve what you want

more info here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.padleft(v=vs.71).aspx

how to display a variable in console c#

It looks like this will be very broad to answer properly, so I'm going to leave it pretty abstract. You need to put reusable logic in methods. You need a "game loop" or "input loop". You need to learn about variables and passing them into methods.

You also may want to introduce a Player class as opposed to various variables to hold separate values.

Your game loop may look like this:

ConsoleKey input = null;
var player = DoGameLogic(input, player);
input = ReadInput(player);
while (input != ConsoleKey.Q)

When you got all this in order and you want to make the output look nice, take a look at Writing string at the same position using Console.Write in C# 2.0, Advanced Console IO in .NET.

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