With Unity How to Inject a Named Dependency into a Constructor

With Unity how do I inject a named dependency into a constructor?

You can configure dependencies with or without names in the API, attributes, or via the config file. You didn't mention XML above, so I'll assume you're using the API.

To tell the container to resolve a named dependency, you'll need to use an InjectionParameter object. For your ClientModel example, do this:

container.RegisterType<IClientModel, ClientModel>(
new InjectionConstructor( // Explicitly specify a constructor
new ResolvedParameter<IRepository>("Client") // Resolve parameter of type IRepository using name "Client"

This tells the container "When resolving ClientModel, call the constructor that takes a single IRepository parameter. When resolving that parameter, resolve with the name 'Client' in addition to the type."

If you wanted to use attributes, your example almost works, you just need to change the attribute name:

public ClientModel([Dependency("Client")] IRepository dataAccess)
this.dataAccess = dataAccess;


Unity Dependency Injection how to pass mapping name into sub objects resolved in parent objects constructor

I found a solution to this after many attempts at it

_container.RegisterType<IEntity, EntityA1>("processA",
new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<IRepo>("processA")));

This then resolves the correct mapping of IRepo

var entityInstance = container.Resolve<IEntity>(processType);

This achieves what I wished which was to clarify this at the point of registration not resolving.

If anybody has improvements to the above I would be grateful to hear back from you


How to inject a Type instead of an instance into a constructor using Unity

The constructor of InjectionConstructor takes an array of objects. If the type of an object passed to the constructor of InjectionConstructor (in the array) is of type Type, unity will try to resolve that type and then pass the result into the constructor (of 'Service` for example).

For example, if you use new InjectionConstructor(typeof(IMyOtherService)), then unity will expect that the constructor of Service takes an instance of type IMyOtherService and will use the container to resolve such type. In other words Type is a special case that you need to handle in a specific way.

To solve your issue, you should tell Unity that the Type you are passing is actually a constructor parameter. You can do this like this:

new InjectionConstructor(new InjectionParameter(jobType))

This forces unity to treat jobType as a constructor parameter.

For more details see the InjectionParameterValue.ToParameter method here: https://github.com/unitycontainer/unity/blob/master/source/Src/Unity-CoreClr/Injection/InjectionParameterValue.cs

Constructor Injection in C#/Unity?

One way to solve this would be to use an injection constructor with a named registration.

// Register timmy this way  
Person son = new Person("Timmy");
container.RegisterInstance<Person>("son", son);

// OR register timmy this way
container.RegisterType<Person>("son", new InjectionConstructor("Timmy"));

// Either way, register bus this way.
container.RegisterType<Bus>(new InjectionConstructor(container.Resolve<Person>("son")));

// Repeat for Joe / Train

Register types in UnityContainer to use other named registrations to resolve constructor parameters

Here is how you can do it:

new InjectionFactory(x =>
x.Resolve<Std>(new DependencyOverride<IFace>(x.Resolve<IFace>("impl2")))));

InjectionFactory allows you to specify the factory logic that creates the IStd object. We use the Resolve method to resolve the concrete Std class and we use the DependencyOverride class to specify which implementation of IFace to use. Again we use the Resolve method to resolve a specific implementation.

Please note that the factory logic will only run when someone tries to resolve IStd (or a class that depends on IStd), not when you register IStd.

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