When Should I Create a New Dbcontext()

When should I create a new DbContext()

I use a base controller that exposes a DataBase property that derived controllers can access.

public abstract class BaseController : Controller
public BaseController()
Database = new DatabaseContext();

protected DatabaseContext Database { get; set; }

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

All of the controllers in my application derive from BaseController and are used like this:

public class UserController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index()
return View(Database.Users.OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList());

Now to answer your questions:

When should I make a new DbContext / should I have one global context
that I pass around?

The context should be created per request. Create the context, do what you need to do with it then get rid of it. With the base class solution I use you only have to worry about using the context.

Do not try and have a global context (this is not how web applications work).

Can I have one global Context that I reuse in all places?

No, if you keep a context around it will keep track of all the updates, additions, deletes etc and this will slow your application down and may even cause some pretty subtle bugs to appear in your application.

You should probably chose to either expose your repository or your Context to your controller but not both. Having two contexts being access from the same method is going to lead to bugs if they both have different ideas about the current state of the application.

Personally, I prefer to expose DbContext directly as most repository examples I have seen simply end up as thin wrappers around DbContext anyway.

Does this cause a performance hit?

The first time a DbContext is created is pretty expensive but once this has been done a lot of the information is cached so that subsequent instantiations are a lot quicker. you are more likely to see performance problems from keeping a context around than you are from instantiating one each time you need access to your database.

How is everyone else doing this?

It depends.

Some people prefer to use a dependency injection framework to pass a concrete instance of their context to their controller when it is created. Both options are fine. Mine is more suitable for a small scale application where you know the specific database being used isn't going to change.

some may argue that you can't know this and that is why the dependency injection method is better as it makes your application more resilient to change. My opinion on this is that it probably won't change (SQL server & Entity Framework are hardly obscure) and that my time is best spent writing the code that is specific to my application.

Why instantiate new DbContext for each step of test

Because that's how contexts should be used. They should be created per request and disposed of.

One practical reason is to ensure that you're going back to the data source each time instead of just looking at state within the context.

How to instantiate a DbContext in EF Core


At the time of writing the use of EF Core with the Dependency injection framework wasn't as known as it is now. This answers gives answer to the question from a DI perspective, which at the time, helped out OP.

The other answer provides you a conventional way to instantiate the DbContext using the new operator.

TL;DR, 3 options:

Option 1

Register the DbContext during application configuration:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContextPool<BlexzWebDb>(options =>

and use the DI framework to retrieve it:

public class SomeController : Controller
private readonly BlexzWebDb _db;

//the framework handles this
public SomeController(BlexzWebDb db)
_db = db;

Option 2

If you are looking for a design-time IdentityDbContext using IOptions<OperationalStoreOptions>, see: Add migration for ApiAuthorizationDbContext from another project - EF Core

Option 3

Or use the new operator and provide the details, see @Qamar Zaman's answer for details.

The long answer, and why DI is a treat

In EF Core it's common to pass some DbContextOptions to the constructor.

So in general, a constructor looks like this:

public BlexzWebDb(DbContextOptions<BlexzWebDb> options) : base(options)

As you can see there, there is no valid overload in the form of a parameter-less constructor:

Thus, this does not work:

using (var db = new BlexzWebDb())

Obviously, you can pass in an Option object in the constructor but there is an alternative. So,


.Net Core has IoC implemented in it's roots. Okay, this means; you don't create a context, you ask the framework to give you one, based on some rules you defined before.

Example: somewhere you will register your dbcontext, (Startup.cs):

//typical configuration part of .net core
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//some mvc

//hey, options!
services.AddDbContextPool<BlexzWebDb>(options =>

Now the registering part is done, you can retrieve your context from the framework. E.g.: inversion of control through a constructor in your controller:

public class SomeController : Controller
private readonly BlexzWebDb _db;

//the framework handles this
public SomeController(BlexzWebDb db)
_db = db;



So, why not just provide the arguments and new it?

There is nothing wrong with the use of new - there are a lot of scenario's in which it works best.

But, Inversion Of Control is considered to be a good practice. When doing asp dotnet core you're likely to use it quite often because most libraries provide extension methods to use it. If you are not familiar with it, and your research allow it; you should definitely give it a try.

Therefore, instead of providing "just a way to instantiate" the object, I'll try to get you onto this track - inline with the framework. It will save you some hassle afterwards. Besides, otherwise "use an activator's CreateInstance" would just be as valid as an answer ;-)

Some links:

  • MSDN Fundamentals
  • MSDN Dependency Injection
  • Wikipedia Inversion Of Control

What goes into DbContextOptions when invoking a new DbContext?

If you really want to create the context manually, then you can configure it like this:

var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>();
_context = new ApplicationDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

(The DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext> class is the type of options argument in services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>).
But in the controller, you don't have access to Configuration object, so you would have to expose it as a static field in Startup.cs or use some other trick, which is all bad practice.

The best way to obtain ApplicationDbContext is to get it through DI:

public GigsController(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;

The DI container will take care of instantiating and disposing of ApplicationDbContext. Note that you have everything correctly configured in Startup.cs:

services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>

services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()

That's configuring DI, so why not just use it?

One more note about the default constructor of DbContext: In EF6 it was done like this: public ApplicationDbContext(): base("DefaultConnection") {}. Then the base object would use System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager static class to obtain the connection string named DefaultConnection from web.config. The new Asp.net Core and EF Core is designed to be as much decoupled as possible, so it should not take dependencies on any configuration system. Instead, you just pass a DbContextOptions object - creating that object and configuring it is a separate concern.

Create new DbContext dynamically when using ASP.Net Core dependency injection

The normal method of injecting a DbContext into your Controller works fine, as long as you are doing a small amount of work during an HTTP request. However, you might want to create a DbContext for a long-running a operation that queries/modifies a lot of records (causing SaveChangesAsync() to get bogged down because DbContext.ChangeTracker is tracking a lot of objects). In that case, you can create a scoped DbContext for each operation ("unit of work"). Here is an example ASP.NET Core Controller method:

/// <summary>
/// An endpoint that processes a batch of records.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provider">The service provider to create scoped DbContexts.
/// This is injected by DI per the FromServices attribute.</param>
/// <param name="records">The batch of records.</param>
public async Task<IActionResult> PostRecords(
[FromServices] IServiceProvider provider,
Record[] records)
// The service scope factory is used to create a scope per iteration
var serviceScopeFactory =

foreach (var record in records)
// At the end of the using block, scope.Dispose() will be called,
// releasing the DbContext so it can be disposed/reset.
using (var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MainDbContext>();

// Query and modify database records as needed

await context.SaveChangesAsync();

return Ok();

Also, I would recommend switching from AddDbContext() to AddDbContextPool() in Startup.cs to avoid creating/destroying DbContext objects for each request. The DbContextPool will reset the DbContext objects to a clean state after they go out of scope. (In case you were interested, DbContextPool calls DbContext.ResetState() and DbContext.Resurrect(), but I wouldn't recommend calling those directly from your code, as they will probably change in future releases.)

Finally, be aware that there are a few pitfalls of creating multiple DbContexts:

  • Using a large number of DbContexts in parallel may cause the database server to run out of active connections, since many EF database providers open a database connection per DbContext. (Requesting and releasing pooled DbContext objects in a loop should be fine.)
  • There may be more efficient ways to do the same thing. On my project, I tested and found that running a single "upsert" on a single DbContext was significantly faster than running a SELECT and INSERT/UPDATE on a separate DbContext for each record. There are a number of implementations of upsert for EF Core. For example, here are two that I have used:
    • FlexLabs.Upsert: https://github.com/artiomchi/FlexLabs.Upsert
    • EF Extensions BulkMerge: https://entityframework-extensions.net/bulk-merge

Where should I create my DbContext among my services?

Unit of Work Pattern

DbContext is effectively an implementation of the 'unit of work' pattern - once the DbContext is created, all changed done to the DbSet are then persisted in one go when you call SaveChanges.

So the further question you need to answer in order to properly answer your question is: What is the scope of the changes that make up your unit of work? In other words - what set of changes need to be made atomically - all succeed, or all fail?

A practical (if example of this - say you have an API endpoint that exposes an operation allowing the client to submit an order. The controller uses OrderService to submit the order, and then InventoryService to update the inventory associated with the items in the order. If each service has their own DbContext, you have a risk that the OrderService will succeed to persist the order submission, but the InventoryService will fail to persist the inventory update.

Dependency Injection

To combat this, a common pattern is to create a context per-request and let your IoC container create and dispose the context, and make it available to inject into services per request. This blog post gives a few options for DbContext management, and includes an example of configuring Ninject to do it.

What this means is your ctor will look like:

public ProfileService(CommService commService, AppContext context) {
_commService = commService;
_context = context;

And you can safely use the context there without having to worry about how it was created or where it came from.

Medhi's DbScopeFactory

However, my preferred approach for more complex applications is an excellent open source library documented up here: http://mehdi.me/ambient-dbcontext-in-ef6/. Injecting DbContext per request will work fine for simpler applications, but as your application gets more involved (e.g. multiple Contexts per application, multiple databases etc.), the finer grain control offered by his IDbContextScopeFactory is invaluable.

Edit to Add - Pros and Cons of Injection vs Construction

Following your comment asking for pros/cons of the approach you proposed, I'd say that generally, injection of dependencies (including DbContext) is a far more flexible and powerful approach, and can still achieve the goal of ensuring your devs don't have to be concerned with dbcontext lifecycle management.

The pros and cons are generally the same for all instances of dependency injection not just db context, but here are a few concrete issues with constructing the context within the service (even in a base service):

  • each service will have its own instance of the dbcontext - this can lead to consistency problems where your unit of work spans tasks carried out by multiple services (see example above)
  • It will be much more difficult to unit test your services, as they are constructing their own dependency. Injecting the dbcontext means you can mock it in your unit tests and test functionality without hitting the database
  • It introduces unmanaged state into your services - if you are using dependency injection, you want the IoC container to manage the lifecycle of services. When your service has no per-request dependencies, the IoC container will create a single instance of the service for the whole application, which means your dbcontext saved to the private member will be used for all requests/threads - this can be a big problem and should be avoided.

    • (Note: this is less of an issue if you are not using DI and constructing new instances of the services within controllers, but then you are losing the benefits of DI at the controller level as well...)
  • All services are now locked to using the same DbContext instance - what if, in the future you decide to split your database and some services need to access a different DbContext? Would you create two different BaseServices? Or pass in configuration data to allow the base service to switch? DI would take care of that, because you would just register the two different Context classes, and then the container would provide each service with the context it needs.
  • Are you returning IQueryables anywhere? If you are, then you run a risk that the IQueryable will cause the Db to hit even after the DbContext has gone out of scope - it may have been disposed by the garbage collector and will not be available.

From a dev perspective, I think nothing is simpler than the DI approach - simply specify the DbContext in your constructor, and let the DI container container take care of the rest.

If you are using DbContext per request, you don't even have to create or dispose the context, and you can be confident that IQueryables will be resolvable at any point in the request call stack.

If you use Mehdi's approach, you do have to create a DbContextScope, but that approach is more appropriate if you are going down a repository pattern path and want explicit control over the context scope.

As you can see, I'm far less concerned about the computational cost of constructing a DbContext when it's not needed (as far as I can tell, it's a fairly low cost until you actually use it to hit the db), and more concerned about the application architecture that permits unit testing and decoupling from dependencies.

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