What Does Missingmanifestresourceexception Mean and How to Fix It

What does MissingManifestResourceException mean and how to fix it?

All I needed to do to fix this problem was to right-click the Resources.resx file in the Solution Explorer and click Run Custom Tool. This re-generates the auto-generated Resources.Designer.cs file.

If the .resx file was added to the project manually, the Custom Tool property of the file must be set to "ResXFileCodeGenerator".

The problem is due to a mismatch of namespaces, which occurs if you change the "default namespace" of the assembly in the project settings. (I changed it from (previously) "Servers" to (now) "RT.Servers".)

In the auto-generated code in Resources.Designer.cs, there is the following code:

internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
get {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("Servers.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
resourceMan = temp;
return resourceMan;

The literal string "Servers.Resources" had to be changed to "RT.Servers.Resources". I did this manually, but running the custom tool would have equally well done it.

How to avoid 'MissingManifestResourceException' after chaning Assembly Name?

I figured it out! I was using the localization solution presented here. After changing the Assembly Name I had to specifically write it in the xaml code:

LocalizationScope.ResourceManager="{ResourceManager AssemblyName='New assembly name', BaseName='Default Namespace.Properties.Resources'}"

And to get rid of the "assembly not found" IntelliSense error, I had to restart Visual Studio. I hope this answer will eventually help someone who will encounter this problem.

System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException error C++/CLi with icon file

Fixed my problem by inspiring myself from this article, changing my own code to this:

this->Icon = gcnew System::Drawing::Icon("your_ico_fil_path");

System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException when Updating database

I had a similar issue when the resx part of the migration was not included in the project file when a fellow developer checked the project in (probably due to a merge issue). You may find that the resx file is there but greyed out. If it's there, try right clicking the "NameofMigration.resx" file and selecting "include in project". If it's not there, you better go find it on the other machine and add it to the project :-)

MissingManifestResourceException when accessing resource wrapper for .resx file nested under .cs file

The MSBuild target PrepareResourceNames (on which PrepareResources, which also calls ResGen, depends on) calls a task called CreateManifestResourceName.

[see Microsoft.Common.targets]

This task creates the name of the .resources file. For C# the actual method that creates the name is CreateManifestNameImpl in Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CreateCSharpManifestResourceName. This method checks whether the .resx file has a .cs file as parent. In that case it searches the .cs file for the first fully qualified class name it can find and takes it as the .resources file name.

[see Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll]

The .resx wrapper does not expect this file name change and thus an exception is thrown.

I guess this behavior was implemented for WinForms localization which nests its resources under the corresponding form or control.

I decided not to nest the .resx files. A possible solution could be to implement a CreateCustomManifestResourceName task for which MSBuild provides a hook.

MissingManifestResourceException when running tests after building with MSBuild (.mresource has path in manifest)

It appears adding LogicalName to the project file fixes it:


i.e. so the embedded resource entry in the project file looks like this:

<EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Resources.resx">

This is detailed in: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/msbuild/archive/2007/10/19/manifest-resource-names-changed-for-resources-files.aspx

Note that we are using a .resx file, but the bug still appears to occur.

System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException on rolling sdk project from .netcore3.1 to framework 4.7.2

The namespace of the control was the issue.

I was able to get it working by having the control use the namespace given by it's folder location

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