What Does $ Mean Before a String

What does $ mean before a string?

$ is short-hand for String.Format and is used with string interpolations, which is a new feature of C# 6. As used in your case, it does nothing, just as string.Format() would do nothing.

It is comes into its own when used to build strings with reference to other values. What previously had to be written as:

var anInt = 1;
var aBool = true;
var aString = "3";
var formated = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", anInt, aBool, aString);

Now becomes:

var anInt = 1;
var aBool = true;
var aString = "3";
var formated = $"{anInt},{aBool},{aString}";

There's also an alternative - less well known - form of string interpolation using $@ (the order of the two symbols is important). It allows the features of a @"" string to be mixed with $"" to support string interpolations without the need for \\ throughout your string. So the following two lines:

var someDir = "a";

will output:


What does @ mean before a string?

It means it's a literal string, so won't treat \ as an escape character, for example. This page should help you understand it better.

C# '@' before a String

It means to interpret the string literally (that is, you cannot escape any characters within the string if you use the @ prefix). It enhances readability in cases where it can be used.

For example, if you were working with a UNC path, this:


is nicer than this:


What does a + before a string means in javascript

Using + in Javascript is a quick way to cast a string to a number as long as the string is already in the form of an integer or float.

+'5000' // yields 5000
+'2.5' // yields 2.5

If the string contains any character that is not an integer (or decimal in the case of a float), this method will return NaN.

+'5n'  // yields NaN
+'abcd' // yields NaN

What does 'f' mean before a string in Python?

join method returns a string in which the elements of sequence have been joined by a separator. In your code, it takes row list and join then by separator -.

Then by using f-string, expression specified by {} will be replaced with it's value.

Suppose that row = ["1", "2", "3"] then output will be Column names are 1-2-3.

What's the @ in front of a string in C#?

It marks the string as a verbatim string literal - anything in the string that would normally be interpreted as an escape sequence is ignored.

So "C:\\Users\\Rich" is the same as @"C:\Users\Rich"

There is one exception: an escape sequence is needed for the double quote. To escape a double quote, you need to put two double quotes in a row. For instance, @"""" evaluates to ".

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