What Are Your Favorite Extension Methods For C# (Codeplex.Com/Extensionoverflow)

Is it possible to define extension methods for parameterized generic types in F# (like in C#)

F# has a mechanism for defining extensions that is "C#-compatible", and your use case is specifically called out, check here.

Something like this should work:

open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

type Extensions =
static member inline ContainsTest(xs: List<int>, s: int) =

Can't write CLI-Compatible Extension Methods in F#

@dumetrulo in the comment had the solution here. The extension methods need to be let-bound functions in a module, without the enclosing type declaration:

namespace Extensions

open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

module Extensions =
let Print(str : System.String) = Console.WriteLine(str)

let Blorp(o : System.Object) = Console.WriteLine("Hello World from an F# Extension Method!")

Additionally, the [<assembly: Extension>] attribute appears to be unnecessary

Difference between `where` in the query object and `if` in the extension methods

I prediction the exact speed difference between them. if is faster. But for legibility reasons, where is the most commonly used route. You can understand where like a sql query. Here, it filters some data from the data collection and reveals the ones that are suitable for you. Looks like T-Sql.

Extension Methods on Properties in C#

Are you trying to avoid needing to call the get and the set separately? It would work to use just a normal extension method like

public Vector MoveX(this Vector prop, float val){...}

and then you would use it like

myLine.start = myLine.start.MoveX(2f);

Is that still more complicated than what you would want to do? If so, you could make a public method that calls the get and set for you and you just supply the float that you want to move by.

public void MoveStartX(float x){...}
public void MoveEndX(float x){...}

Solution using reflection... is it worth it?

If you are wanting a very generic extension that works using reflection and doesn't have to specifically use a Line object, you could do the following

public static void MoveX<T>(this T obj, Expression<Func<T, Vector>> lambda, float x)
if (lambda.Body is MemberExpression memberExpression)
var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member;
var getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
var setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod();
if (setMethod == null || getMethod == null)
throw new ArgumentException("lambda expression must reference a settable and gettable property.");
var vector = (Vector)getMethod.Invoke(obj, null);
vector.x += x;
setMethod.Invoke(obj, new object[]{vector});
throw new ArgumentException("lambda expression must reference an accessible property.");

and then you can use the extension method like this

var line = new Line();
line.MoveX(l => l.start, 2);

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