Wcf Change Endpoint Address at Runtime

WCF change endpoint address at runtime

So your endpoint address defined in your first example is incomplete. You must also define endpoint identity as shown in client configuration. In code you can try this:

EndpointIdentity spn = EndpointIdentity.CreateSpnIdentity("host/mikev-ws");
var address = new EndpointAddress("http://id.web/Services/EchoService.svc", spn);
var client = new EchoServiceClient(address);
litResponse.Text = client.SendEcho("Hello World");

Actual working final version by valamas

EndpointIdentity spn = EndpointIdentity.CreateSpnIdentity("host/mikev-ws");
Uri uri = new Uri("http://id.web/Services/EchoService.svc");
var address = new EndpointAddress(uri, spn);
var client = new EchoServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IEchoService", address);
client.SendEcho("Hello World");

Setting WCF Endpoint address at runtime?

Very simple fix!! Sorry to ask a silly question!

binding = new WSHttpBinding("WSHttpBinding_IManagementService");

How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

I think what you want is to swap out at runtime a version of your config file, if so create a copy of your config file (also give it the relevant extension like .Debug or .Release) that has the correct addresses (which gives you a debug version and a runtime version ) and create a postbuild step that copies the correct file depending on the build type.

Here is an example of a postbuild event that I've used in the past which overrides the output file with the correct version (debug/runtime)

copy "$(ProjectDir)ServiceReferences.ClientConfig.$(ConfigurationName)" "$(ProjectDir)ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" /Y

where :
$(ProjectDir) is the project directory where the config files are located
$(ConfigurationName) is the active configuration build type

Please see Marc's answer for a detailed explanation on how to do this programmatically.

How to set endpoint in runtime

You can replace the service endpoint after you created your client class:

public class PBMBService : IService
private void btnPing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient();
service.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("http://the.new.address/to/the/service");
tbInfo.Text = service.Ping().Replace("\n", "\r\n");

Dynamically set endpoint address in wcf client (with net tcp binding)

You could create a ChannelFactory.

Along with your standard client, WCF WSDLs will also provide an interface class for the client.

EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://dynamic.address.here");
using (ChannelFactory<IPartyControllerChannel> factory = new ChannelFactory<IPartyControllerChannel>("IPartyControllerEndpoint", address))

using (IPartyControllerChannel channel = factory.CreateChannel())
channel.GetLatestPartyProfile(context, parsedParameters.PartyId);

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