Visual Studio C# Intellisense Not Automatically Displaying

Visual Studio C# IntelliSense not automatically displaying

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In prose, in case you can't see the above image:

Open Tools > Options > Text Editor. If you're only having this issue with one language, find that language; if it's for everything, click "All Languages". Right at the top, there'll be a few options labeled "Auto list members", "Hide advanced members", and "Parameter information". Make sure all of those are enabled (though the second may be disabled; if so, ignore it).

Intellisense not automatically working VSCode

Visual Studio Code's more advanced editing features (IntelliSense, refactoring tools, etc.) only work in C# files if you have a project.json file or *.sln file that VSCode is aware of. Open the folder (i.e. open the File menu and click Open Folder...) with the *.sln file or project.json and VSCode will attempt to find all project/solution files in the folder. If there are multiple projects, you may need to select one from the projects button on the right side of the status bar (bottom of the window).

From the VSCode website:

  • Selecting a project.json-file is opening a DNX-project and VSCode will load that project plus the referenced projects
  • Selecting a *.sln-file is opening a MSBuild-project. It will load the referenced *.csproj-projects and sibling or descendant project.json-files but no other project files that are referenced from the solution file.
  • Selecting a folder will make VSCode scan for *.sln and project.json files and VSCode will attempt to load them all.

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Why does intellisense and code suggestion stop working when Visual Studio is open?

I spent a lot of time researching the same problem. Some solutions related this bug with some referenced assemblies. Others said that Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extension.dll and .Interactivity.dll should be in the references of the project. But none of these solutions worked for me.

I think it is a bug in Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft has to fix it.

Visual Studio 2022 not showing syntax errors and Intellisense is not working properly

I can't add this reply as a comment as I don't have 50 reputation.

I created a .Net 6.0 C# console project in Visual Studio 2022, add a class, and add two private fields. Selecting these two fields, press Alt+Enter to quickly generate the constructor. I did not encounter your issue.

Please try:

  1. Go to Visual Studio Installer, click Modify, uncheck IntelliCode in Individual components, then click Modify button to save the change, wait for the installation to complete, and then reinstall IntelliCode.
  2. In Visual Studio, go to Tools->Options->IntelliCode to check if the setting is Default.

Visual studio 2022 IntelliSense only displaying for 1 second and then dissapearing

It is likely that this problem is caused by vs extension. You can try to disable the extensions and try again. If it doesn't work you can choose to reinstall Visual Studio.

why is Intellisense not working in my VS Code?

Solution 1 :

  1. Ctrl+Shift+P
  2. Write "OmniSharp: Select Project" and press Enter.
  3. Choose the solution workspace entry.
  4. Then enable the C# extension for "OmniSharp : Project"

Solution 2 :

  1. Selecting a project.json-file is opening a DNX-project and VSCode will load that project plus the referenced projects.

  2. Selecting a *.sln-file is opening a MSBuild-project. It will load the referenced *.csproj-projects and sibling or descendant project.json-files but no other project files that are referenced from the solution file.

  3. Selecting a folder will make VSCode scan for *.sln and project.json files and VSCode will attempt to load them all.
    More info see:

Solution 3:

  1. Download C# v1.24.0 extension can fix the IntelliSense for you

Solution 4:
For bootstrap and HTML IntelliSense, add the following extensions:

  • HTML HTML CSS Support
  • IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML

All solutions need to close your VS and reopen it again.

Visual Studio Intellisense not showing some classes

OK so probably not the best solution but it works. I reinstalled Visual Studio and the problem was fixed. Also, it hasn't shown up since (this happened about 3 months ago).

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