SQL Data Reader - Handling Null Column Values

SQL Data Reader - handling Null column values

You need to check for IsDBNull:

employee.FirstName = sqlreader.GetString(indexFirstName);

That's your only reliable way to detect and handle this situation.

I wrapped those things into extension methods and tend to return a default value if the column is indeed null:

public static string SafeGetString(this SqlDataReader reader, int colIndex)
return reader.GetString(colIndex);
return string.Empty;

Now you can call it like this:

employee.FirstName = SqlReader.SafeGetString(indexFirstName);

and you'll never have to worry about an exception or a null value again.

Handle NULL in Datareader

You can use SqlDataReader.IsDBNull to check for null values out of a data reader. C# null and DBNull are different.

 c.ActualWeight = 
? default(float)
: float.Parse(dr[0].ToString().Trim());

data is null when using SqlDataReader

You need to check the nullable fields using the SqlDataReader.IsDBNull method:

int statusIndex = Reader.GetOrdinal("status");
string sstatus = Reader.IsDBNull(statusIndex) ? null : Reader.GetString(statusIndex);

SQLDataReader how to check for null column values?

You can use IsDBNull

for(int i=0; i<myarray.Length;i++){
myarray[i] = "";
myarray[i] = reader[i];


SqlDataReader Best way to check for null values -sqlDataReader.IsDBNull vs DBNull.Value

I would not get too caught up in the which method is better, because both work and I have used both in code before.

For instance, here is a utility function I dug up from one of my old projects:

/// <summary>
/// Helper class for SqlDataReader, which allows for the calling code to retrieve a value in a generic fashion.
/// </summary>
public static class SqlReaderHelper
private static bool IsNullableType(Type theValueType)
return (theValueType.IsGenericType && theValueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)));

/// <summary>
/// Returns the value, of type T, from the SqlDataReader, accounting for both generic and non-generic types.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">T, type applied</typeparam>
/// <param name="theReader">The SqlDataReader object that queried the database</param>
/// <param name="theColumnName">The column of data to retrieve a value from</param>
/// <returns>T, type applied; default value of type if database value is null</returns>
public static T GetValue<T>(this SqlDataReader theReader, string theColumnName)
// Read the value out of the reader by string (column name); returns object
object theValue = theReader[theColumnName];

// Cast to the generic type applied to this method (i.e. int?)
Type theValueType = typeof(T);

// Check for null value from the database
if (DBNull.Value != theValue)
// We have a null, do we have a nullable type for T?
if (!IsNullableType(theValueType))
// No, this is not a nullable type so just change the value's type from object to T
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(theValue, theValueType);
// Yes, this is a nullable type so change the value's type from object to the underlying type of T
NullableConverter theNullableConverter = new NullableConverter(theValueType);

return (T)Convert.ChangeType(theValue, theNullableConverter.UnderlyingType);

// The value was null in the database, so return the default value for T; this will vary based on what T is (i.e. int has a default of 0)
return default(T);



how to check if a datareader is null or empty

if (myReader["Additional"] != DBNull.Value)
ltlAdditional.Text = "contains data";
ltlAdditional.Text = "is null";

How to deal with SqlDataReader null values in VB.net

You have opened the reader, but have not asked it to actually read anything.

After this line:

Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()


If reader.Read() Then

and wrap the result reading into this if statement, i.e.

If reader.Read() Then
Dim index As Integer = reader.GetOrdinal("RESULT1")
If reader.IsDBNull(index) Then
RESULT1 = String.Empty
RESULT1 = reader(index)
End If
End If

Note that this works because your SQL should only return a single record. In the event that you were reading multiple records, you would need to call the Read statement in a loop until there were no more records, i.e.

Do While reader.Read()


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