Serializing a List to JSON

Serializing a list to JSON

If using .Net Core 3.0 or later;

Default to using the built in System.Text.Json parser implementation.


using System.Text.Json;

var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(aList);

alternatively, other, less mainstream options are available like Utf8Json parser and Jil: These may offer superior performance, if you really need it but, you will need to install their respective packages.

If stuck using .Net Core 2.2 or earlier;

Default to using Newtonsoft JSON.Net as your first choice JSON Parser.


using Newtonsoft.Json;

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aList);

you may need to install the package first.

PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

For more details see and upvote the answer that is the source of this information.

For reference only, this was the original answer, many years ago;

// you need to reference System.Web.Extensions

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(aList);

how to serialize nested list into json format

Say you have two list

public class Customer
public int CustomerId { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; }

public List<Products> Products { get; set; }

public class Products
public string ProductId { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; }

//initialize Object of Customer here

Use Newtonsoft to convert Customer object into json

var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objCustomer);

You can also take advantage of several formatting options available.

Per your comment - pass the serialize data

return Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objCustomer))

Also, if you direct pass objCustomer like

return Ok(objCustomer)

it should return you Json (provided you have not configured your project to return another format by default)

Serializing a list of Object using Json.NET

You should try this:

string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userList);

Deserialize JSON to an Object:


Serializing list to JSON

You can use pure Python to do it:

import json
list = [1, 2, (3, 4)] # Note that the 3rd element is a tuple (3, 4)
json.dumps(list) # '[1, 2, [3, 4]]'

Serialize Json file with separate list and object

Check your json format or compare with below format

 var json = @"{
'UsbDevices': [
'DeviceConnectivityExperationDateTime' : '2020-12-30'
var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Data>(json);

public class Data
public Data()
this.UsbDevices = new List<string>();
public List<string> UsbDevices { get; set; }
public string DeviceConnectivityExperationDateTime { get; set; }

Serializing a List of Objects in Java to json

Found a SerializationFeature WRITE_SINGLE_ELEM_ARRAYS_UNWRAPPED by which we can obtain the above mentioned scenario in JSON

json serialization of a list of objects of a custom class

I've solved this by adding an encode method to the class:

def encode(self):
return self.__dict__

and adding some arguments to json.dumps:

jsontracks = json.dumps(tracklist, default=lambda o: o.encode(), indent=4)

This will "crawl" down your class tree (if you have any child classes) and encode every object as a json list/object automatically. This should work with just about any class and is fast to type. You may also want to control which class parameters get encoded with something like:

def encode(self):
return {'name':,
'code': self.code,
'amount': self.amount,
'minimum': self.minimum,
'maximum': self.maximum}

or a little bit faster to edit (if you're lazy like me):

def encode(self):
encoded_items = ['name', 'code', 'batch_size', 'cost',
'unit', 'ingredients', 'nutrients']
return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k in encoded_items}

full code:

import json

class Song:
def __init__(self, sname, sartist, coverart, albname, albartist, spotid):
self.sname = sname
self.sartist = sartist
self.coverart = coverart
self.albname = albname
self.albartist = albartist
self.spotid = spotid

def encode(self):
return self.__dict__

tracklist = [
Song('Imagine', 'John Lennon', None, None, None, None),
Song('Hey Jude', 'The Beatles', None, None, None, None),
Song('(I Can\'t Get No) Satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones', None, None, None, None),

jsontracks = json.dumps(tracklist, default=lambda o: o.encode(), indent=4)


"sname": "Imagine",
"sartist": "John Lennon",
"coverart": null,
"albname": null,
"albartist": null,
"spotid": null
"sname": "Hey Jude",
"sartist": "The Beatles",
"coverart": null,
"albname": null,
"albartist": null,
"spotid": null
"sname": "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction",
"sartist": "The Rolling Stones",
"coverart": null,
"albname": null,
"albartist": null,
"spotid": null

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