Regular Expression to Remove HTML Tags

Regex expression to remove HTML tags And \r and \n tags

var string = '{\"name\":\"[\\\"Uses\\\",\\\"Tags\\\"]\",\"value\":\"[\\\"<table border=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" cellpadding=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" cellspacing=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" width=\\\\\\\"299\\\\\\\" xss=removed><tbody><tr height=\\\\\\\"60\\\\\\\" xss=removed>\\\\r\\\\n  <td height=\\\\\\\"60\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"xl66\\\\\\\" width=\\\\\\\"299\\\\\\\" xss=removed>A\\\\r\\\\n  cleaning product, A repair service, A fashion brand, A personal shopper, An\\\\r\\\\n  app,<\\\\\\/td><\\\\\\/tr><\\\\\\/tbody><\\\\\\/table>\\\",\\\"<table border=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" cellpadding=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" cellspacing=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\" width=\\\\\\\"232\\\\\\\" xss=removed><tbody><tr height=\\\\\\\"60\\\\\\\" xss=removed>\\\\r\\\\n  <td height=\\\\\\\"60\\\\\\\" class=\\\\\\\"xl66\\\\\\\" width=\\\\\\\"232\\\\\\\" xss=removed>Apparel,\\\\r\\\\n  Charity & Nonprofit , Fashion, Operations, Products, Retail &\\\\r\\\\n  eCommerce<\\\\\\/td><\\\\\\/tr><\\\\\\/tbody><\\\\\\/table>\\\"]\"}'
string = string.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)|\\r|\\n/ig,"")

Regular expression to remove HTML tags without br/ tab from a string

</?([a-z]+)> should do. If slash is after letters it will not match.

Regular expression to remove HTML tags

Using a regular expression to parse HTML is fraught with pitfalls. HTML is not a regular language and hence can't be 100% correctly parsed with a regex. This is just one of many problems you will run into. The best approach is to use an HTML / XML parser to do this for you.

Here is a link to a blog post I wrote awhile back which goes into more details about this problem.


That being said, here's a solution that should fix this particular problem. It in no way is a perfect solution though.

var pattern = @"<(img|a)[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]*)<";
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
var m = regex.Match(sSummary);
if ( m.Success ) {
sResult = m.Groups["content"].Value;

php - How to remove html tag using regular expression?

Since you want text only from the link, so use strip_tags()

echo strip_tags($text);

Regular express to remove html tags and characters

Try the below code.

var oldStr = '<p><a>Hello</a></p>';
var newStr = $('<textarea />').html(oldStr).text();
$('#new').text( $(newStr).text());

How can i remove HTML Tags from String by REGEX?

try this

// erase html tags from a string
public static string StripHtml(string target)
//Regular expression for html tags
Regex StripHTMLExpression = new Regex("<\\S[^><]*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);

return StripHTMLExpression.Replace(target, string.Empty);


string htmlString="<div><span>hello world!</span></div>";
string strippedString=StripHtml(htmlString);

Understanding regular expression to remove HTML tags from a string

It is not needed. As you pointed out, both do the same thing. Here is why...

In Java Regular expressions, \\ is a single backslash. Backslashes are used to escape the next character. The next character is a < which does not need to be escaped, therefore the \\< is redundant, and can be replaced with just <.

Look here for characters that have special meaning and/or need to be escaped:

Say you were trying to match a ? instead of the <, then you would use a regex like \\?.

To match a single backslash, you would need 4 backslashes \\\\ in your regex.

Also note, If you were to type this line into an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, it will highlight it and say:

Redundant character escape '\\<' in RegExp

How can I use a regex to remove HTML tags from a String?

Use a proper HTML-parser like Jsoup, instead of string manipilation or regex. Jsoup provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating HTML data and is intuitive to work with. Using Jsoup your code could look like:

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

public class Example2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String html =
+ "<head></head>"
+ "<body>"
+ " <table>"
+ " <tr class='list odd'>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">Do</td>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">7.7.</td><td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">3 - 4</td>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">---</td>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\"><s>Q1e14</s></td>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">Arbeitsauftrag:</td>\n"
+ " <td class=\"list\" align=\"center\">entfällt</td></tr>\n"
+ " </table>"
+ "</body>\n"
+ "</html>";

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

Elements tds ="td");
tds.forEach(td -> System.out.println(td.text()));


3 - 4

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