Map a Property to List of Object Using Automapper Createmap

Map a property to list of object using AutoMapper CreateMap

You can create a class which implements ITypeConverter< OrderDtoList, List > and create the mapping using ConvertUsing method.

public class OrderDtoListMapper : ITypeConverter<OrderDtoList, List<Order>>
public List<Order> Convert(OrderDtoList source, List<Order> destination, ResolutionContext context)
return context.Mapper.Map<List<Order>>(source.Orders);

Then, you can create your mapping like this:

public class MapperProfile : Profile
public MapperProfile()
CreateMap<OrderDto, Order>();
CreateMap<OrderDtoList, List<Order>>().ConvertUsing<OrderDtoListMapper>();

Hope this is what you were looking for!

mapping list of objects using automapper

Remove the List mappings.

CreateMap<List<Car>, List<CarVM>>();
CreateMap<List<CarVM>, List<Car>>();

You only need the singular mappings.

The plural/list ones come out-of-the-box, see the documentation.

CreateMap<Car, CarVM>();
CreateMap<CarVM, Car>();

You probably also meant: mapper.Map<List<CarVM>>(cars).

Automapper - Map list of string to list of object with string property

You need to use ConvertUsing and add a map from ImportantListClass to string:

var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Second, First>();
cfg.CreateMap<ImportantListClass, string>()
.ConvertUsing(source => source.Name);

var mapper = config.CreateMapper();

var second = new Second
Id = 22,
ImportantList = new List<ImportantListClass>
new ImportantListClass { Name = "Name1" },
new ImportantListClass { Name = "Name2" }

var first = mapper.Map<First>(second);

Automapper: Map property in list of objects

You should use the AfterMap function to do some postprocessing on the mapped items.

There are two ways to go about this. One is using something statically defined in the mapping profile. But in your case, you have something that's dynamic at runtime, like the ExternalId. Doing the aftermap in your AccountService then makes perfect sense.

I've found these kind of constructions very useful, especially when I want to consult other injected services for additional information.

   public void AddExternalAccounts(Guid externalId, List<ExternalAccountDto> accounts)
var entities = _mapper.Map<List<ExternalAccountDto>, List<Account>>(accounts,
options => options.AfterMap((source, destination) =>
destination.ForEach(account => account.ExternalId = externalId);

Two more cents regarding the AccountProfile class:

You can check upon creation of the mapping profile if the mapping profile is correct. This will save you a headache running into this problem later at runtime. You'll know immediately that there is a problem with the configuration.

 var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.AllowNullDestinationValues = false;

// Check that there are no issues with this configuration, which we'll encounter eventually at runtime.

_mapper = config.CreateMapper();

This also notified me that an .Ignore() on the ExternalId member of the Account class was required:

 CreateMap<ExternalAccountDto, Account>().ForMember(d => d.ExternalId, a => a.Ignore());

Automapper - map list of complex object to list of properties

You just provide the Mapping from MyDomainObj to MyDto, and it should be able to handle mapping the collections:

.ForMember(d => d.custId, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.customer.customer_id))
.ForMember(d => d.orderId, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.order.order_id));

Then call it just like you had (assuming myDomainObj is a List<MyDominObj>):

var response = Mapper.Map<List<MyDomainObj>, List<MyDTO>>(myDomainObjList);

Automapper: Mapping an object to a LIST

static version of CreateMap is removed: AutoMapper.Mapper does not contain definition for CreateMap

I do not know whether you have choice of upgrading. But with latest AutoMapper (10.1.1), following code works (you did not give the completed code so I created object of SupportedCurrencies)

            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Currency, SupportedCurrency>()
.ForMember(p => p.MinAmount, q => q.MapFrom(r => r.AmountMin))
.ForMember(p => p.MaxAmount, q => q.MapFrom(r => r.AmountMax))
.ForMember(p => p.CurrencyCode, q => q.MapFrom(r => r.Code));


SupportedCurrencies supportedCurrencies = new SupportedCurrencies();
IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper();

Access a property of a list when using CreateMap with automapper

You can just do a map of single objects and AutoMapper will handle the lists cases as well.

x.CreateMap<CouponCsvItem, Coupon>()
.ConvertUsing(x => x.SchoolType, opt => opt.MapFrom(new SchoolResolver()));

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