Looking for a Command Line Argument Parser for .Net

Looking for a Command Line Argument Parser for .NET

My personal favourite 3rd party commandline parsing library is Command Line Parser and I assume this is the one you are referring to. The most recent release was less than 2 months ago and there are regular commits. If you want a more mature offering you could check out the console library in the mono project (sorry I can't seem to find a direct link to the namespace at the moment, but its a part of the mono framework)

Best way to parse command line arguments in C#?

I would strongly suggest using NDesk.Options (Documentation) and/or Mono.Options (same API, different namespace). An example from the documentation:

bool show_help = false;
List<string> names = new List<string> ();
int repeat = 1;

var p = new OptionSet () {
{ "n|name=", "the {NAME} of someone to greet.",
v => names.Add (v) },
{ "r|repeat=",
"the number of {TIMES} to repeat the greeting.\n" +
"this must be an integer.",
(int v) => repeat = v },
{ "v", "increase debug message verbosity",
v => { if (v != null) ++verbosity; } },
{ "h|help", "show this message and exit",
v => show_help = v != null },

List<string> extra;
try {
extra = p.Parse (args);
catch (OptionException e) {
Console.Write ("greet: ");
Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
Console.WriteLine ("Try `greet --help' for more information.");

Using Command Line to parse arguments

static void Main(string[] args)
.WithParsed<CommandLineOptions>(o =>

public class CommandLineOptions
[Option('s', "symbol", Required = true, HelpText = "Symbol To run backtest")]
public string Symbol { get; set; }

[Option('d', "date", Required = true)]
public string Date { get; set; }


Parse commandline args and execute methods

UltraMapper.CommandLine does exactly what you want!

It allows you to call methods directly from commandline passing as many input parameters as you want.

It supports primitive and complex types as arguments; Collections as IEnumerable, List and arrays are also supported.

It allows you to drastically reduce the amount of code needed to deal with commandline args by getting rid of all the 'commandline flags' and dispatch code.

public class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
CommandLine.Instance.Parse<Commands>( args );
//just call with this args: --method1 ["my string" "mysecondstring" "etc"]

public class Commands
public void Method1( List<string> strings ) { ///... }
public void Method2( SomeClass myParam, List<SomeOtherClass> mySecondParam ) { ///... }

I released UltraMapper.CommandLine as an open source project on github.

Check it out, it might be helpful on your next project!

There’s also nuget package available here

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