Is There a Tool for Finding Unreferenced Functions (Dead, Obsolete Code) in a C# App

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app?

Gendarme will detect private methods with no upstream callers. It is available cross platform, and the latest version handles "AvoidUncalledPrivateCodeRule".

FxCop will detect public/protected methods with no upstream callers. However, FxCop does not detect all methods without upstream callers, as it is meant to check in the case that your code is part of a Library, so public members are left out. You can use NDepend to do a search for public members with no upstream callers, which I detail here in this other StackOverflow answer.

(edit: added information about Gendarme which actually does what the questioner asked)

Find unused code

Yes, ReSharper does this. Right click on your solution and selection "Find Code Issues". One of the results is "Unused Symbols". This will show you classes, methods, etc., that aren't used.

What tools and techniques do you use to find dead code?

TDD + NCover

Is there a way to check if all defined functions are called?

Mark each method you are trying to remove as Obsolete with IsError set to true.
When you mark a method as such, you will get a compilation error and will be able to find out if you can safely remove the method.

    [Obsolete("Don't use this method", /* IsError */ true)]
public void Foo () {}

Find empty methods in visual studio

In the visual studio find-tool, set it to use Regular Expressions. Use this expression to find empty methods.

void\ .*\(*\)(\ |(\r\n))*{(\ |(\r\n))*}

To find empty Page_Load methods:

void\ (Page_Load).*\(*\)(\ |(\r\n))*{(\ |(\r\n))*}

All these approaches would work for "void" methods. For other types, you can change the expression or further generalize the expression to match any kind of return type.

Check to see if a c# method is used

Resharper will; unless you want a report generated. iirc FxCop will too.

EDIT: related question: Visual Studio 2008 / C# : How to find dead code in a project?

What do you do with unused code in your legacy applications?

  1. Mark it obsolete.
  2. Next cycle, comment the code out & make appropriate remarks. Set a region around the code block so that it collapses nicely & doesn't eat up a lot of visual space.
  3. Next cycle, delete the code.

This way you don't surprise your teammates too badly if you need to deprecate some code that you're assigned to but which they need to make calls to. But allows you to make those needed changes!

How to get list of zero-reference/unreferenced code in Visual Studio

Probably the best and easiest way to achieve what you are after is to use the build-in code analysis tool with Visual Studio to find and take you directly to dead code and unused members.

To this effect, I created a new code analysis ruleset file (Via File->New->File, making sure General in the left pane was selected and scrolling down to find Code Analysis Rule Set, giving it a filename, then searching for and selecting the below rules). See below for the contents of the ruleset file that you can copy, and paste into a new file with the extension .ruleset to use.

Given a ruleset file, one can right click on a project file in the Solution Explorer panel, and select Properties. In the project properties windows, click on the Code Analysis tab in the left panel, and then click Open to browse to the .ruleset file's location. If you go to the properties of a solution file (as opposed to a project file), you can set the code analysis file for each project in the solution in one place (under Code Analysis Settings, and using the drop-down there to select the ruleset file. NOTE: You must have previously have browsed to the ruleset file for it to show up in the drop-down in this properties window, however).

Then you simply run the code analysis on the projects/solution (Via Analyze->Run Code Analysis On Solution -OR- Alt+F11) and it will come back as warnings, any unreferenced methods or unused members it finds. It will even find methods that are referenced by a method, whom itself has no references elsewhere.

Be careful however, as one of the ways code analysis for dead code can steer you wrong, is if the reference is 'hidden' by only ever calling the method via delegates, and of course, reflection.

The rules to detect dead code, specifically, are:

  • Private methods that are not called from any other code (CA1811)
  • Unused local variables (CA1804)
  • Unused private fields (CA1823)
  • Unused parameters (CA1801)
  • Internal classes that are not instantiated from any other code (CA1812).
  • Dead code in bitwise-OR limited switch (C6259)

Below is the contents of the .ruleset file that can be had by following the steps above, for your conveinence. You can simply copy the below XML, paste it into notepad++, save somewhere with the extension .ruleset, browse for and use as explained above:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="Dead Code Rules" Description=" " ToolsVersion="12.0">
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.Analyzers.ManagedCodeAnalysis" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.Rules.Managed">
<Rule Id="CA1801" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA1804" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA1811" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA1812" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA1823" Action="Warning" />
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.Analyzers.NativeCodeAnalysis" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.Rules.Native">
<Rule Id="C6259" Action="Warning" />

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