How to Read Attribute Value from Xmlnode in C#

How to read attribute value from XmlNode in C#?

Try this:

string employeeName = chldNode.Attributes["Name"].Value;

Edit: As pointed out in the comments, this will throw an exception if the attribute doesn't exist. The safe way is:

var attribute = node.Attributes["Name"];
if (attribute != null){
string employeeName = attribute.Value;
// Process the value here

How get the attribute value of XML node in C#

You'll want to look at the ParentNode to get the attribute.

string residentType = xnList[0].ParentNode.Attributes["Type"].Value;

How to Read XML node attributes?

If i'm understanding well your question, you should do something like that:

using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"C:\directory\file.xml");
IEnumerable<XElement> partElements = doc.Root.Elements("part");

foreach (XElement partElement in partElements)
// read attribute value
string keyName = partElement.Attribute("keyName")?.Value;


// iterate through childnodes
foreach (XElement partChildElement in partElement.Elements())
// check the name
if (partChildElement.Name == "SpaceSep")
int value = (int)partChildElement; // casting from element to its [int] content

// do stuff for <SpaceSep> element
else if (partChildElement.Name == "text")
string text = (string)partChildElement; // casting from element to its [string] content

// do stuff for <text> element

// and so on for all possible node name

Read xml node attribute

You should use XmlNamespaceManager in your call to SelectSingleNode() since your XML does contain a namespace on it:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
ns.AddNamespace("anyname", "");
foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//anyname:ITEM", ns))

That's why you get no result.

The difference from my code to yours is that I am using // so instead of starting at the root of a document, a double forward slash // indicates to an XPath evaluator to look anywhere in an XML document.

Here is my example.xml as sample:

<ITEM id="1" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="2" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="3" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="4" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="5" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="6" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="7" name="bleh=" />
<ITEM id="8" name="bleh=" />

And here is how I am reading it:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//ITEM[@id]"))

With single slash, the above XPath would look like this:


I am also using [@id] to ensure that the ITEM element have an ID attribute but that is not necessary if you know they all have an ID attribute.

How to get xml node value based on attribute value c# ,

Try this

_productLinkType = _xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//Products[..//ProductNumber = '{0}']", prodNumber));


var xDoc = XDocument.Load(_accountsXml);
var productLinkType = xDoc.XPathSelectElement(string.Format("//Products[..//ProductNumber = '{0}']", prodNumber)).Element("Product").Attribute("link").Value;

The closing tag in your example is Product it should be Products

How to get values of XML node filtering by attribute name in C#?

this may help you to solve your problem

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.SelectNodes("//result[@value=45]");
for (int i = 0; i < nodelist.Count; i++)
double value = double.Parse(nodelist[i].InnerText);
Console.WriteLine("value : " + value);

Get child attributes of xml node c#

Your XPath is a little incorrect. For the purposes of testing, I hardcoded the values:

XmlNode messageNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Message[@name='Error']");

I think you will be able to easily substitute the hard-coded values for the inputs from the text boxes.

What this will do is search the whole Xml document for a Message node that has an attribute called name with the value of Error. SelectSingleNode will return the first occurrence if there are multiple matches. There is a SelectNodes function that will return multiple values, if you need it.

The important bits are:

  1. \\Message - which instructs the XmlDocument to find the Message node
  2. @name- instructs the XmlDocument to look for an attribute

When I ran this it found:

<Message dataItemId="Axis_02_InvDDone" timestamp="2018-06-25T20:20:40.4374489Z" name="Error" sequence="85998" nativeCode="208573">208573</Message>

I am not clear on which attribute you want to retrieve. This will retrieve the value of the dataItemId attribute



To get the Text value of that node, ie 208573, use:


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