How to Get Xml Node from Xdocument

How to get the node value by passing type in XDocument C#

Here is solution with Xml Linq (XDOCUMENT) :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication107
class Program
const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);

var results = doc.Descendants("subscription_add_on").Select(x => new
add_on_code = (string)x.Element("add_on_code"),
name = (string)x.Element("name"),
quantity = (int)x.Element("quantity"),
amount = (int)x.Element("unit_amount_in_cents"),
add_on_type = (string)x.Element("add_on_type")



C# Xdocument Xml get Element

Here's an alterante way:

var doc = XDocument.Load(xml);

XNamespace ns1 = "";
XNamespace ns2 = "";
XNamespace ns3 = "";

var result = doc.Element(ns1 + "Envelope")
.Element(ns1 + "Body")
.Element(ns2 + "GetAllArticlesResponse")
.Element(ns2 + "GetAllArticlesResult")
.Elements(ns3 + "ArticleDescription")
.Select(x => x.Value);


var doc = XDocument.Load(xml);
var envelope = doc.Root;
var body = (XElement)envelope.FirstNode;
var getAllArticlesResponse = (XElement)body.FirstNode;
var getAllArticlesResult = (XElement)getAllArticlesResponse.FirstNode;
var articleDescriptions = getAllArticlesResult.Nodes().Cast<XElement>();
var result = articleDescriptions.Select(x => x.Value);

Finding Specific xml nodes using XDocument

Try following :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
XNamespace ns = doc.Root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("tns");

var results = doc.Descendants(ns + "responses")
.Where(x => x.Elements(ns + "Include").Any())
.Select(x => new {
include = (string)x.Element(ns + "Include"),
name = (string)x.Element(ns + "Name")

Parsing Nested Nodes from XML in XDocument

Use linq to xml.

var xml = XElement.Load(xmlUrl);

int id = (int)xml.Element("Animal").Attribute("id");

var active = xml.Element("Animal")

var animalName = active.Element("AnimalName").Value;
var animalPictureNode = active.Element("AnimalPictures").Element("AnimalPicture");
var animalPicture = animalPictureNode.Value;
var animalPictureType = animalPictureNode.Attribute("type").Value;


Open namespace:

using System.Xml.Linq;

XDocument get and set values in XML nodes

Your first attempt is almost right. There are a couple things missing:

  1. The namespace defined in code must be an exact match to the one in the xml. In your case the namespace in code has an extra trailing slash. It should be
  2. The XPath expression should be //wss:Security/wss:UsernameToken/wss:Username. The leading slashes basically mean "look for this node anywhere". Alternatively, you could write out the whole path begining with <S:Envelope>. You would need to add the soap envelope namespace to your code as well.

C# XDocument Read all Nodes from XML-File

You need to use the Value property, i.e. sb.Append(xe.Value).

How to get value of child node from XDocument

If there's only one Cust element and only one ACTNumber element, then it's easy:

string actNumber = doc.Root.Element("Cust").Element("ACTNumber").Value;

Or to get it as a long:

long actNumber = (long) doc.Root.Element("Cust").Element("ACTNumber");

How to get value of an XML node?

When using an XDocument you have to go via its Root property.

String xml = @"
<ns0:Visit xmlns:ns0=""http://Co.Burgers.Ues"">
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
XNamespace ns = "http://Co.Burgers.Ues";
String sourcePartyName = (String)xdoc.Root.Element(ns + "SourcePartyName");

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