How to Convert an Enum to a List in C#

How do I convert an enum to a list in C#?

This will return an IEnumerable<SomeEnum> of all the values of an Enum.


If you want that to be a List<SomeEnum>, just add .ToList() after .Cast<SomeEnum>().

To use the Cast function on an Array you need to have the System.Linq in your using section.

How to convert enum to list

Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnum)).Cast<MyEnum>().Where(x => x != MyEnum.D).ToList();

Convert Enum to List

Language[] result = (Language[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Language))

will get you your values, if you want a list of the enums.

If you want a list of the names, use this:

string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Languages));

C# - Convert list of enum values to list of strings

Since you are using a List, the easiest solution would be to use the ConvertAll method to obtain a new List containing string representations. Here's an example:

List<string> stringList = myList.ConvertAll(f => f.ToString());

There are other ways to accomplish this, but this way will get the job done and uses syntax that should be in whatever version of .NET you're using because it's been around for a long time.

Convert Enums to List of given type

There may be a better way, but this seems to work:

var list = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExampleEnum)).Cast<ExampleEnum>().Select(
x => new ListItem { Text = x.ToString(), Value = (int)x }).ToList();

So this will grab all the values from the enum using Enum.GetValues. Since it returns type Array, I use Cast<ExampleEnum> to get them in to a IEnumerable<ExampleEnum>. Then I Select each enum value to a ListItem type. Text property is created by using ToString, Value property is created by casting it to int.

Convert an enum to List string

Use Enum's static method, GetNames. It returns a string[], like so:


If you want to create a method that does only this for only one type of enum, and also converts that array to a List, you can write something like this:

public List<string> GetDataSourceTypes()
return Enum.GetNames(typeof(DataSourceTypes)).ToList();

You will need Using System.Linq; at the top of your class to use .ToList()

Convert an Enum to a List object

public static class EnumSerializer
public static EnumList EnumToJson<T>() where T : struct, Enum
var type = typeof(T);
var values = Enum.GetValues<T>()
.Select(x => new EnumNameValue
Id = (int)(object)x,
Description = type.GetField(x.ToString())

return new EnumList { EnumNamesValues = values.ToList() };

Working example

Enum.GetValues iterates over the constants declared in your enum.

Of course you can swap out the Description part with your extension method.

How do I convert an enum to a list and replace '_' with ' ' (space)

You should be able to just do

Enum.GetNames(typeof(EnumType)).Select(item => item.Replace('_',' '));

Enum to List Object (Id, Name)


var typeList = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Type))
.Select(t => new TypeViewModel
Id = ((int)t),
Name = t.ToString()


Sample Image

Enum to list as an extension?

What is the correct way to use it as an extension (using the above 2 methods)?

There is no correct way to use it as an extension. Extension methods (similar to instance methods) are used when you have a value (instance) and for instance want to get some information related to that value. So the extension method would make sense if you want to get the description of a single enum value.

However, in your case the information you need (the list of enum value/description pairs) is not tied to a specific enum value, but to the enum type. Which means you just need a plain static generic method similar to Enum.TryParse<TEnum>. Ideally you would constrain the generic argument to allow only enum, but this type of constraint is not supported (yet), so we'll use (similar to the above system method) just where TEnum : struct and will add runtime check.

So here is a sample implementation:

public static class EnumInfo
public static List<KeyValuePair<TEnum, string>> GetList<TEnum>()
where TEnum : struct
if (!typeof(TEnum).IsEnum) throw new InvalidOperationException();
return ((TEnum[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum)))
.ToDictionary(k => k, v => ((Enum)(object)v).GetAttributeOfType<DescriptionAttribute>().Description)

and usage:

public enum MyEnum

var list = EnumInfo.GetList<MyEnum>();

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