How to Check the Number of Bytes Consumed by a Structure

How do I check the number of bytes consumed by a structure?

You can use either the sizeof operator or SizeOf function.

There are some differences between those options, see the reference links for more.

Anyway a good way to use that function is to have a generic method or extension method like these:

static class Test
static void Main()
//This will return the memory usage size for type Int32:
int size = SizeOf<Int32>();

//This will return the memory usage size of the variable 'size':
//Both lines are basically equal, the first one makes use of ex. methods
size = size.GetSize();
size = GetSize(size);

public static int SizeOf<T>()
return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

public static int GetSize(this object obj)
return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(obj);

finding out memory consumption of a structure

You're looking for the sizeof operator

Returns size in bytes of the object representation of type

Example usage:

#include <iostream>

class tnode;

struct tNode {
short data;
tnode *left;
tnode *right;
tnode *student;

int main()

std::cout << sizeof(tNode) << std::endl;
return 0;

Output on my machine:


How can I properly calculate the size of a struct array? Am I doing this right?

This line:

   printf("total size of structure is %d\n", allocation);

Is incorrect as allocation is a pointer. To get the total size simply do the following:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 50 //for structure

struct address{
int zip; // 4 bytes
char name[20]; // 20 bytes
char street[40]; // 40 bytes
char city[16]; // 16 bytes
char state[4]; // 4 bytes
char country[10]; // 10 bytes

int main()
struct address addr[MAX];
printf("Size %zu\n", sizeof(addr));
return 0;

How to calculate the number of bytes stored in object

You're seeing the evidence of otherwise-"invisible" padding bytes that the compiler has added (in this case, to the end of your class) to achieve alignment.

Compilers like to align structures on convenient (e.g. 64 bits, or 8 bytes, in your case) boundaries for more efficient access to their members. This is true in this case if you were to create an array of multiple Foo objects; the end padding would keep the start of each one on an 8-byte (64-bit) boundary. If you had varying sizes of fields within this class, you might also see additional padding between the fields for the same purpose.

How to calculate how big a struct or class is?

Only non-static variables use up space, methods don't. For example, your struct that you made there is four bytes big, because it is the size of an int.

You can also calculate the size using Marshal.SizeOf(GetType((Struct1)).

Unless you have memory critical applications, or have some special reasons you need a struct, I would suggest always using a class.

How to calculate the size of a struct instance?

Just the fields count.

So in this case you've got two 64-bit (8 byte) fields; you're just about within the bounds of your heuristic.

Note that if you use any auto-implemented properties then the compiler will create "hidden" fields to back those properties, so your overall sum should take those into account too.

For example, this struct also requires 16 bytes:

public struct Coordinate
public Coordinate(double latitude, double longitude) : this()
Latitude = latitude;
Longitude = longitude;

public double Latitude { get; private set; }
public double Longitude { get; private set; }

Structure size not reflecting correct number of bytes in C#

The mem2 field has no MarshalAs attribute and so uses default marshalling. And that is as pointer to the first element.

You probably meant to write:

public struct champ
public uint mem1;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 15)]
public byte[] mem2;

public champ(int x) { ... }

The size of the struct will be 20 because alignment rules mean that an extra padding byte is added at the end of the struct. That is needed to ensure that the size of the struct is an exact multiple of 4, the size of uint. This ensures that arrays of the struct will properly align mem1.

How to find number of bytes taken by python variable

You can find the functionality you are looking for here (in sys.getsizeof - Python 2.6 and up).

Also: don't shadow the int builtin!

import sys
myint = 12

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