How to Check If a List Is Ordered

Pythonic way to check if a list is sorted or not

Here is a one liner:

all(l[i] <= l[i+1] for i in range(len(l) - 1))

If using Python 2, use xrange instead of range.

For reverse=True, use >= instead of <=.

How to check if a list is ordered?

If you are using MSTest, you may want to take a look at CollectionAssert.AreEqual.

Enumerable.SequenceEqual may be another useful API to use in an assertion.

In both cases you should prepare a list that holds the expected list in the expected order, and then compare that list to the result.

Here's an example:

var studyFeeds = Feeds.GetStudyFeeds(2120, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-200), 20);   
var expectedList = studyFeeds.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date);

How to check if a list is sorted consecutively?

The only way to check if the list is sorted is to go through every item in the list and compare it to the next item, in which case you might as well just call sort in the first place as that will perform the exact same check and sort anything out of order

i'm suspicious of the fact that you keep using the word "consecutively"

if you are looking for Missing or Duplicated Values then that is not mentioned in your question at all, but if that is the case a simple left join will do that for you with no need of sorting

var min = collectionGroups.Min(x => x.Sequence);
var deviation = collectionGroups.Max(x => x.Sequence) - min;

var result = from i in Enumerable.Range(min, deviation )
join c in collectionGroups on i equals c.Sequence into grp;
from g in grp.DefaultIfEmpty()
where g.Count() != 1
select new{ ID=g.Key, Count=g.Count()};

this will then return a list of duplicate or missing values no sorting needed

Edit in reply to comment by juunas

var data = Enumerable.Range(0, 20000000).ToList();
bool sort = false;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count - 1; i++)
if (data[i] > data[i + 1])
sort = true;
if (sort) data.Sort();

884 ms

Compared to

var data = Enumerable.Range(0, 20000000).ToList();


Check if list is sorted in either ascending or descending order in one pass

You could check pairs of consecutive elements, keep track of whether the first pair that is not == is < or >, and check that all the other pairs have the same relation (if not equal):

def is_sorted(lst):
asc = None
for i in range(len(lst)-1):
a, b = lst[i], lst[i+1]
if a == b:
if asc is None:
asc = (a < b)
if (a < b) != asc:
return False
return True

That's a bit verbose, but you could also make it shorter with next and all, using a shared zip iterator for both so the entire list is iterated only once.

def is_sorted(lst):
pairs = zip(lst, lst[1:])
asc = next((a < b for a, b in pairs if a != b), None)
return asc is None or all((a < b) == asc for a, b in pairs if a != b)

However, this version (like your original) will create a copy of the input list with lst[1:], so that's not really just a single loop, either. To fix that, you could e.g. use itertools.tee or islice.

How to determine if a List is sorted in Java?

Guava provides this functionality through its Comparators class.

boolean sorted = Comparators.isInOrder(list, comparator);

There's also the Ordering class, though this is mostly obsolete. An Ordering is a Comparator++. In this case, if you have a list of some type that implements Comparable, you could write:

boolean sorted = Ordering.natural().isOrdered(list);

This works for any Iterable, not just List, and you can handle nulls easily by specifying whether they should come before or after any other non-null elements:


Also, since you mentioned that you'd like to be able to check for reverse order as well as normal, that would be done as:


Check if a list is in a custom order

from itertools import zip_longest, groupby

okay = list(x == y for y, (x, _) in zip_longest(
(y for y in Y if y in X), groupby(x for x in X if x in Y)))
print(len(okay) >= 2 and all(okay))

First we discard unnecessary elements from both lists. Then we can use groupby to collapse sequences of the same elements of X. For example, your first example ['a', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'd', 'd'] first becomes ['a', 'c', 'c', 'b'] (by discarding the unnecessary'd'), then[('a', _), ('c', _), ('b', _)]. If we compare its keys element by element to the Y without the unnecessary bits, and there are at least 2 of them, we have a match. If the order was violated (e.g. ['b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'd', 'd'], there would have been a False in okay, and it would fail. If an extra element appeared somewhere, there would be a comparison with None (thanks to zip_longest), and again a False would have been in okay.

This can be improved by use of sets to speed up the membership lookup.

Check if list is sorted in python

I think the function need to be two lines of code with <= operators, to detect low to high and high to low list and equal sequences.

def in_order(nums):
a = [nums[i-1] <= nums[i] for i in range(1, len(nums))]
return all(x == a[0] for x in a)
[8, 6, 5, 4]
In order
[5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10]
In order

Check if list is ordered

Doesn't seem like it should be any more complex than

ordered( []      ) .
ordered( [_] ) .
ordered( [X,Y|Z] ) :- X =< Y , ordered( [Y|Z] ) .

Arithmetic comparison predicates are covered here:

Use @=</2 or compare/3 to check the ordering of things in the standard order of terms:

Check array in JS - is list sorted?

var str = ["1,2,3,4,5", "1,2,8,9,9", "1,2,2,3,2"];
for (var i in str){ var list = str[i].split(',').map(Number); console.log(list); var isSorted = true; for(var j = 0 ; j < list.length - 1 ; j++){ if(list[j] > list[j+1]) { isSorted = false; break; } } console.log(isSorted);}

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