How to Call the Parent Version of an Overridden Method? (C# .Net)

Is there any way to call the parent version of an overridden method? (C# .NET)

At the IL level, you could probably issue a call rather than a callvirt, and get the job done - but if we limit ourselves to C# ;-p (edit darn! the runtime stops you: VerificationException: "Operation could destabilize the runtime."; remove the virtual and it works fine; too clever by half...)

Inside the ChildClass type, you can use base.methodTwo() - however, this is not possible externally. Nor can you go down more than one level - there is no base.base.Foo() support.

However, if you disable polymorphism using method-hiding, you can get the answer you want, but for bad reasons:

class ChildClass : ParentClass
new public int methodTwo() // bad, do not do
return 2;

Now you can get a different answer from the same object depending on whether the variable is defined as a ChildClass or a ParentClass.

How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

Using the C# language constructs, you cannot explicitly call the base function from outside the scope of A or B. If you really need to do that, then there is a flaw in your design - i.e. that function shouldn't be virtual to begin with, or part of the base function should be extracted to a separate non-virtual function.

You can from inside B.X however call A.X

class B : A
override void X() {

But that's something else.

As Sasha Truf points out in this answer, you can do it through IL.
You can probably also accomplish it through reflection, as mhand points out in the comments.

Calling the overridden method from the base class in C#

Which method is called is determined via polymorphism on the type that is passed into the AnotherObject constructor:

AnotherObject a = new AnotherObject(new A()); // invokes A.MyMethod() 
AnotherObject b = new AnotherObject(new B()); // invokes B.MyMethod()
AnotherObject c = new AnotherObject(new BaseClass()); //invokes BaseClass.MyMethod()

Call parent method from child class c#

Found the solution.

In the parent I declare a new instance of the ChildClass() then bind the event handler in that class to the local method in the parent

In the child class I add a public event handler:

public EventHandler UpdateProgress;

In the parent I create a new instance of this child class then bind the local parent event to the public eventhandler in the child

ChildClass child = new ChildClass();
child.UpdateProgress += this.MyMethod;

Then in the LoadData() of the child class I can call

private LoadData() {

Where OnMyMethod is:

public void OnMyMethod()
// has the event handler been assigned?
if (this.UpdateProgress!= null)
// raise the event
this.UpdateProgress(this, new EventArgs());

This runs the event in the parent class

Calling the grand-parent implementation of an overridden method

This is a feature of C#. If you wish to expose this method to class C, consider refactoring A like so:

class A
private instance;
public virtual void Method1 ()

protected void AMethod1()
instance = this;
do something;

This will enable you to call this method from within C:

class C : B
public override void Method1 ()
// do something;

Does this keyword exist? When an overriding method needs to call the parent

You can't enforce it, but you can do it via a call like base.Foo(bar). base allows you to access members of the class you're inheriting from.

You can kind of enforce this behavior by using the template method pattern. For example, imagine you had this code:

abstract class Animal
public virtual void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("I'm an animal.");

class Dog : Animal
public override void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("I'm a dog.");

The trouble here is that any class inheriting from Animal needs to call base.Speak(); to ensure the base behavior is executed. You can automatically enforce this by taking the following (slightly different) approach:

abstract class Animal
public void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("I'm an animal.");

protected abstract void DoSpeak();

class Dog : Animal
protected override void DoSpeak()
Console.WriteLine("I'm a dog.");

In this case, clients still only see the polymorphic Speak method, but the Animal.Speak behavior is guaranteed to execute. The problem is that if you have further inheritence (e.g. class Dachsund : Dog), you have to create yet another abstract method if you want Dog.Speak to be guaranteed to execute.

How to call a method from a parent class's base class

One approach is to use explicit interface implementation in class A:

This allows you to call A's implementation - both from code within C and from outside C (by casting to IBob first).

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp4
interface IBob
void foo();

class A : IBob

public virtual void foo()

class B : A
public override void foo()

class C : B
public override void foo()

// Writes B;

// Writes A
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var sally = new C();; // A B C

IBob sally2 = sally;; // A


Calling the inherit and the base method

To get your desired output you need to call the base GetName() method in the GetName() method of the Class B. Like this for example:

public class A
public A(string N)
Name = N;
public string Name { get; set; }

public void GetName()

public class B : A
public B(string N) : base(N)

public new void GetName()
Console.Write(new string(Name.Reverse().ToArray()));

This will out put foooof

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