How Expensive Are Exceptions in C#

C# performance cost of exceptions

Use Dictionary.TryGetValue to avoid exceptions in your example code at all. The most expensive part is the try .. catch.

If you cannot get away from exceptions then you should use a different pattern to perform actions inside a loop.

Instead of

for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
catch (Exception)
// igrnore or handle

which will set up the try .. catch for every step whether an exception has raised or not, use

int i = 0;
while ( i < 100 )
while( i < 100 )
catch ( Exception )
// ignore or handle

which will only set up a new try .. catch when an exception was thrown.


I cannot reproduce that massive slowdown of your code as you describe. .net fiddle

Performance Cost Of 'try' in C#

The performance cost of try is very small. The major cost of exception handling is getting the stack trace and other metadata, and that's a cost that's not paid until you actually have to throw an exception.

But this will vary by language and implementation. Why not write a simple loop in C# and time it yourself?

What is the real overhead of try/catch in C#?

I'm not an expert in language implementations (so take this with a grain of salt), but I think one of the biggest costs is unwinding the stack and storing it for the stack trace. I suspect this happens only when the exception is thrown (but I don't know), and if so, this would be decently sized hidden cost every time an exception is thrown... so it's not like you are just jumping from one place in the code to another, there is a lot going on.

I don't think it's a problem as long as you are using exceptions for EXCEPTIONAL behavior (so not your typical, expected path through the program).

Performance cost of a try/catch block

From MSDN site:

Finding and designing away
exception-heavy code can result in a
decent perf win. Bear in mind that
this has nothing to do with try/catch
blocks: you only incur the cost when
the actual exception is thrown. You
can use as many try/catch blocks as
you want. Using exceptions
gratuitously is where you lose
performance. For example, you should
stay away from things like using
exceptions for control flow.

Also see these related SO questions: (1) (2) (3) and (4).

How slow are .NET exceptions?

I'm on the "not slow" side - or more precisely "not slow enough to make it worth avoiding them in normal use". I've written two short articles about this. There are criticisms of the benchmark aspect, which are mostly down to "in real life there'd be more stack to go through, so you'd blow the cache etc" - but using error codes to work your way up the stack would also blow the cache, so I don't see that as a particularly good argument.

Just to make it clear - I don't support using exceptions where they're not logical. For instance, int.TryParse is entirely appropriate for converting data from a user. It's inappropriate when reading a machine-generated file, where failure means "The file isn't in the format it's meant to be, I really don't want to try to handle this as I don't know what else might be wrong."

When using exceptions in "only reasonable circumstances" I've never seen an application whose performance was significantly impaired by exceptions. Basically, exceptions shouldn't happen often unless you've got significant correctness issues, and if you've got significant correctness issues then performance isn't the biggest problem you face.

try catch for performance c#

The link I provided in the above comment shows a description of why you shouldn't ever use a try-catch when an if-statement would prevent the exception from being thrown, but in the interest of showing performance in terms of actual numbers, I wrote this quick little test program.

Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

int[] testArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int? test = null;

for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
testArray[(int)test] = 0;
catch { }

Console.WriteLine("try-catch result:");

for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
if (test != null)
testArray[(int)test] = 0;

Console.WriteLine("if-statement result:");

The result of the program is this:

try-catch result:

if-statement result:

As you can see, the try-catch approach introduces significant overhead when an exception gets caught, taking over 30 seconds to complete 10,000 cycles on my machine. The if-statement, on the other hand, runs so fast that it is basically instantaneous. Compared to the try-catch, this is a performance improvement in the neighborhood of 3,000,000%.

(This isn't a rigorous benchmark, and there are ways to write it and run it differently to get more precise numbers, but this should give you a good idea of just how much more efficient it is to use an if-statement over a try-catch whenever possible.)

What are exceptions and why throw them?

Something to keep in mind is not only that caught exceptions can be used for logging errors, they can be used for handling errors that might arise.

Let's say you have some kind of Widget object, that has properties you initialize via arguments to a constructor:

public class Widget
public string Name;

Widget(string widgetName)
if (widgetName != "")
Name = widgetName;
throw new ArgumentException("Name must be provided for widget.");

In this case, we have a situation where we want to require our Widget have a name when it's instantiated - we check the argument to see if it's blank, and we throw an ArgumentException to indicate that something is wrong with one of the arguments to the constructor, as well as include a helpful message about what specifically went wrong.

This means we can then have context-specific validation logic in a wrapper, rather than having to have everything crammed into our base Widget class:

public Widget ForCaseA (string widgetName) 
Widget w;

try {
w = new Widget(widgetname);

catch (ArgumentException as argEx) // We're specifically catching the subtype of ArgumentExceptions; generic Exceptions or other types of exception wouldn't be caught here and would bubble up out of this try/catch block.
// At this point, we could look at the specific data in the exception object to determine what needs to happen to resolve the exception. Since there's only one argument and it's throwing an ArgumentException, we know it's going to be a problem with a bad widgetName. In this case, we can say 'well, in this specific case, we want to give it a default widget name'.
w = new Widget("DefaultName");

return w;

One of the ways catching exceptions by type becomes exceptionally useful is when you use inheritance to create your own types based off the generic Exception class; e.g. giving your Widgets a WidgetException. This lets you catch issues specific to your class/entity (like the widget's name), but doesn't have to handle issues that fall outside the scope of the Widget itself.

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