Get Month Name from Month Number

MySQL convert month number to month name

  • We can convert the given input number to MySQL date format (focusing on month only), using Str_To_Date() function.
  • Now, we simply need to use Monthname() function to extract the month name from the date.
  • This will work only when NO_ZERO_DATE mode is disabled.


SET sql_mode = ''; -- disable NO_ZERO_DATE mode

As @Felk suggested in comments, if we need to get shortened month name, we can use Date_Format() function instead:

SET sql_mode = ''; -- disable NO_ZERO_DATE mode

If you don't want to disable the NO_ZERO_DATE mode, then you can create any random date using the month and call Monthname():

SELECT MONTHNAME(CONCAT('2018-',3,'-1')); -- 3 is the input number

Converting month number to month name

I solved it using the date utils in, as:

'usage_date': date(int(year), int(month), 1) 

And then in the template, rendered the month names using Django shortcuts.

This works well if I want the month name to change in accordance with the language chosen.

python/pandas: convert month int to month name

You can do this efficiently with combining calendar.month_abbr and df[col].apply()

import calendar
df['Month'] = df['Month'].apply(lambda x: calendar.month_abbr[x])

Get Month name from month number

For short month names use:

string monthName = new DateTime(2010, 8, 1)
.ToString("MMM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

For long/full month names for Spanish ("es") culture:

string fullMonthName = new DateTime(2015, i, 1).ToString("MMMM", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("es"));

Get month name from Date

Shorter version:

const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",

"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"


const d = new Date();

document.write("The current month is " + monthNames[d.getMonth()]);

Convert Month Number to Month Name Function in SQL

A little hacky but should work:

SELECT DATENAME(month, DATEADD(month, @mydate-1, CAST('2008-01-01' AS datetime)))

How to get month name from month number in Power BI?

You can use:

MonthName = FORMAT(DATE(1, [Num], 1), "MMM")



Nothing fancy, simply a reconstruction of a fake date from the month number provided, and reformat it with the FORMAT function.

Of course as an alternative you can go the old-fashioned way and write a SWITCH statement and hard-coded for the 12 months. It's up to you.

How can I get month name from month number

Use format string.

( + 1.month).strftime("%B")
# => "October"

Get month name from month number for a series of numbers

you can get String description of a month from int using 1) array of month or 2) own method.

Case 1:

String[] monthString = new String[]{"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};

Later, in the code, you can call it like:

 for(int i=0; i<12; i++) {
System.out.println("Month: "+monthString[i]);

Assuming, we have case when we need to get month some times (5,4,3,2);

...(monthString[5], monthString[4], monthString[3], monthString[2]) ..

Case 2:

   public String getMonth(int month){
String monthString;
switch (month) {
case 1: monthString = "January";
case 2: monthString = "February";
case 3: monthString = "March";
case 4: monthString = "April";
case 5: monthString = "May";
case 6: monthString = "June";
case 7: monthString = "July";
case 8: monthString = "August";
case 9: monthString = "September";
case 10: monthString = "October";
case 11: monthString = "November";
case 12: monthString = "December";
default: monthString = "Invalid month";
return monthString;


   for(int i=0; i<12; i++) {
System.out.println("Month: "+getMonth(i));


Month: January
Month: February
Month: March
Month: April
Month: May
Month: June
Month: July
Month: August
Month: September
Month: October
Month: November
Month: December

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