Get File Name from Uri String in C#

Get file name from URI string in C#

You can just make a System.Uri object, and use IsFile to verify it's a file, then Uri.LocalPath to extract the filename.

This is much safer, as it provides you a means to check the validity of the URI as well.

Edit in response to comment:

To get just the full filename, I'd use:

Uri uri = new Uri(hreflink);
if (uri.IsFile) {
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath);

This does all of the error checking for you, and is platform-neutral. All of the special cases get handled for you quickly and easily.

How to extract file name from an Uri in C#?

How about

Path.GetFileName(string path);

In your case

Path.GetFileName(new Uri("").AbsolutePath);

Getting Filename from url in C#

use this: Uri.AbsolutePath


how to get filename from URL without downloading file c#

WebClient will not support it but with HttpWebRequest you can either try to be nice and send a HEAD request if the server supports it or if it doesn't send a normal GET request and just don't download the data:

The HEAD request:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(uri);
request.Method = "HEAD";
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
string disposition = response.Headers["Content-Disposition"];
string filename = disposition.Substring(disposition.IndexOf("filename=") + 10).Replace("\"", "");

If the server doesn't support HEAD, send a normal GET request:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(uri);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
string disposition = response.Headers["Content-Disposition"];
string filename = disposition.Substring(disposition.IndexOf("filename=") + 9).Replace("\"", "");

How to get real filename from a url in C#?

I have found a good solution for it by myself.

public static string getFileName(string url)
HttpWebRequest req = RequestSender.SendRequest(url);
HttpWebResponse resp = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
string header_contentDisposition = resp.Headers["content-disposition"];
string escaped_filename = new ContentDisposition(header_contentDisposition).FileName;

return Uri.UnescapeDataString(escaped_filename);

So finally, the filename is correct. Thanks everyone tried to help.

How to get FileName from url

12-8536_2.jpg does not seem to be a file in that URL. In any case, if the "filename" in the URL will always be in .jpg, you can output the URL to a string (or AS a string) and Regex for it:

string filename = Regex.Match(URL,@"\/([A-Za-z0-9\-._~:?#\[\]@!$%&'()*+,;=]*).jpg").Groups[1].Value

EDIT: I'm thinking this is for a site with different preview sizes for a specific file. You can also specify the different possible extensions as follows (for example):

string filename = Regex.Match(URL,@"\/([A-Za-z0-9\-._~:?#\[\]@!$%&'()*+,;=]*)(.jpg|.JPG|.jpeg|.JPEG)").Groups[1].Value

How To Download HTML File Name As A String?

Explanation about the error:


public void DownloadFileAsync(
Uri address,
string fileName

It doesn't return anything (void) and you are passing this to listsext! Ofcourse you will get an Exception:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'string'

What you want to achieve: (my guess, not much information given)

You want to have the filename, you don't need to download it.

Uri u = new Uri("")
filename = Path.GetFileName(u.LocalPath);

See here: Get file name from URI string in C#

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