Generic Way to Check If Entity Exists in Entity Framework

Using a generic method in EF to check if a record exists in data base

What you want is a generic method to see if a record of an entity exists or not. You can use Any() method of DBSet class, and pass it the condition to search for the record.

public bool CheckIfEntityExistsByEntityId<T>(Expression<Func<T,bool>> expr)
return _baseRepository.DbSet().Any(u => expr);

Generic Way to Check If Entity Exists In Entity Framework?

Do you want generic way to check if entity was loaded by context or generic way to query database if entity exists?

For the former case use:

public bool Exists<T>(T entity) where T: class
return this.Set<T>().Local.Any(e => e == entity);

For the latter case use (it will check loaded entities as well):

public bool Exists<T>(params object[] keys)
return this.Set<T>().Find(keys) != null;


EF code first is not supposed to access this kind of information but it is possible to get name of entity keys. I think something like that should work:

var objContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbContext).ObjectContext;
var objSet = objContext.CreateObjectSet<T>();
var keyNames = objSet.EntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers.Select(m => m.Name);

But this all doesn't make sense. You want generic approach but your entities doesn't share necessary information to allow generic approach. Now you say that you even don't know key values. Using this "generic" approach will require reflection and manual building of expression tree.

Best way to check if object exists in Entity Framework?

If you don't want to execute SQL directly, the best way is to use Any(). This is because Any() will return as soon as it finds a match. Another option is Count(), but this might need to check every row before returning.

Here's an example of how to use it:

if (context.MyEntity.Any(o => o.Id == idToMatch))
// Match!

And in

If context.MyEntity.Any(function(o) o.Id = idToMatch) Then
' Match!
End If

Generic function to check if value exists within DbSet

Func<T, bool> - Sounds like the right approach to what you want.

bool IsFieldValueUnique<T>(Func<T, bool> checkFunction)
var alreadyExists = DbSet<T>.Any(checkFunction);
return !alreadyExists;
//Other ways to do this, but this is just for clarity.

Then you call it like:

IsFieldValueUnique<Person>(person => person.Email == somePersonObject.Email)

What you have now is a method IsFieldValueUnique that takes a check function.
This check function takes in a T (of the same type as you use in the DbSet) and returns a boolean value.

person => person.Email == somePersonObject.Email is an anonymous function that for a given instance of a Person compare the Email property with somePersonObject.Email.

If you look at the signature for Any you will see similarities with the checkFunction signature.

If you want to try it on Customer you can:

IsFieldValueUnique<Customer>(cust => person.Name == someCustomer.Name);


Calling Any like this: DbSet<T>.Any(checkFunction);

Is the same as this: DbSet<T>.Any(item => checkFunction(item));

Is there a generic way to test if an object exists in the DB?

You could use Set<TEntity> generic method:

public bool Exist<T>(Expression<Func<T,bool>> condition)
return context.Set<T>().Any(condition);

How to Check If Entity Exists Before Attaching?

Your predicament is quite interesting. If you wouldn't use a generic repository but a specific repository that knows the primary key of the entity you want to attach is you could just use a code like this:

var tagExists = Tags.Any(t => t.Name == tag.Name);


var tag = Tags.Find(tag.Name);

however in your case we need a more general approach such as getting the primary key of the entity the Repository class uses regardless the type of the entity. To achieve this I've created two extension methods on the DbContext class:

public static IList<string> GetPrimaryKeyNames<TEntity>(this DbContext context)
where TEntity : class
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
var set = objectContext.CreateObjectSet<TEntity>();

return set.EntitySet.ElementType
.Select(k => k.Name)

public static IList<object> GetPrimaryKeyValues<TEntity>(this DbContext context, TEntity entity)
where TEntity : class
var valueList = new List<object>();
var primaryKeyNames = context.GetPrimaryKeyNames<TEntity>();

foreach(var propertyInfo in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (primaryKeyNames.Contains(propertyInfo.Name))

return valueList;

Utilizing these methods you can change the Attach method on the Repository class like the following:

public void Attach(TEntity entity)
var storeEntity = _context.Set<TEntity>().Find(

if (storeEntity != null)
_context.Entry(storeEntity).State = EntityState.Detached;

Entity Framework Core: What is the fastest way to check if a generic entity is already in the dbset and then add or update it?

Instead of reflection, you could use the EF Core public (and some internal) metadata services to get the key values needed for Find method. For setting the modified values you could use EntityEntry.CurrentValues.SetValues method.

Something like this:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Internal;

public static void AddEntities<T>(List<T> entities, DbContext db) where T : class
using (db)
var set = db.Set<T>();

var entityType = db.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T));
var primaryKey = entityType.FindPrimaryKey();
var keyValues = new object[primaryKey.Properties.Count];

foreach (T e in entities)
for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.Length; i++)
keyValues[i] = primaryKey.Properties[i].GetGetter().GetClrValue(e);

var obj = set.Find(keyValues);

if (obj == null)

.Net Entity Framework Check if value exists in different tables Optimization

We assume that the first query's result returns true, you don't have to query another tables.
In addition, you don't need count of data. That's way, It should be

  public async Task<bool> CheckIfUsed(int targetId)
var isUsed = false;
isUsed = await this.DbContext.table1.AsNoTracking().AnyAsync(TargetID => TargetID == targetId);
if (isUsed)
return isUsed;

isUsed = await this.DbContext.table2.AsNoTracking().AnyAsync(TargetID => TargetID == targetId);
if (isUsed)
return isUsed;

isUsed = await this.DbContext.table3.AsNoTracking().AnyAsync(TargetID => TargetID == targetId);
if (isUsed)
return isUsed;

isUsed = await this.DbContext.table4.AsNoTracking().AnyAsync(TargetID => TargetID == targetId);
return isUsed;

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