Format Decimal for Percentage Values

Format decimal for percentage values?

Use the P format string. This will vary by culture:

String.Format("Value: {0:P2}.", 0.8526) // formats as 85.26 % (varies by culture)

String decimal to percentage in java

One good way would be to:

  • convert your percentage string to a number (needs to be a double type variable, so it can hold the decimal places...),
  • multiply the value by 100 to make it a percentage,
  • re-format the number in a string.
String percValue = "0.0209";
double percentage = Double.parseDouble(percValue) * 100;
String formattedValue = String.format("%.2f%%", percentage);


  • Double.parseDouble() takes your string as a parameter and returns a double value which you can do things like multiplication and addition with, and
  • String.format() lets you precisely control how your number is converted back to a String!
  • "%.2f" means "Take the next argument which is a floating-point variable and put it here, with two decimal places".
  • "%%" means "print a single '%'". You need two to "escape" it, since percent symbols are not literally interpreted in format strings.

How to format a number as a percentage and limit number of decimal places

You could use scales::percent()

smbsummary2<- smbsummary2%>%
empprevyearpct=((employment/empprevyear)-1), empprevyearpct=scales::percent(empprevyearpct)


    area period smb   employment worksites empprevyear empprevyearpp empprevyearpct
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 1 2020q1 1 46 2 NA NA NA
2 1 2020q1 2 301 4 NA NA NA
3 1 2020q1 3 466 5 NA NA NA
4 1 2020q1 4 726 6 NA NA NA
5 1 2020q1 NA 1326 7 NA NA NA
6 1 2020q2 1 48 2 46 2 4%
7 1 2020q2 2 307 4 301 6 2%
8 1 2020q2 3 474 5 466 8 2%
9 1 2020q2 4 739 6 726 13 2%
10 1 2020q2 NA 1340 7 1326 14 1%
11 3 2020q1 1 166 3 NA NA NA
12 3 2020q1 2 397 5 NA NA NA
13 3 2020q1 3 567 6 NA NA NA
14 3 2020q1 4 872 7 NA NA NA
15 3 2020q2 1 66 1 166 -100 -60%
16 3 2020q2 2 301 3 397 -96 -24%
17 3 2020q2 3 473 4 567 -94 -17%
18 3 2020q2 4 783 5 872 -89 -10%
19 3 2020q2 NA 1990 7 NA NA NA

How to format numbers as percentage values in JavaScript?

Here is what you need.

var x=150;

Format number as percent in MS SQL Server

M.Ali's answer could be modified as

select Cast(Cast((37.0/38.0)*100 as decimal(18,2)) as varchar(5)) + ' %' as Percentage

How to format a number to percentage with two decimals using FormatJs Message Syntax?

There's two ways of doing that:

  1. You can remove the percent style from the message syntax:

    serviceFee: 'Service fee: ({fee})'

    Then send the value with the correct format:

    values={{ fee: intl.formatNumber(0.0625, { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 2 }) }}


  1. Create a custom format that sets the necessary option:

    const formats = {
    number: {
    percentWith2Decimals: { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 2 },

    Add add the formats to your IntlProvider:

    <IntlProvider formats={formats}>...</IntlProvider>

    Then use the custom format in your message:

    serviceFee: 'Service fee: ({fee, number, percentWith2Decimals})'

In tableau, how do you modify the number of decimals of a percentage label?

Right Click on the measure dropped under Marks Card and Click on "Format". You will be provided with the options to change the format of the numbers in "Pane". Select "Numbers" and Click on the "Percentage" and increase/decrease the Percentage Decimals.

If you want that format choice to be the default for occurrences of that field on all worksheets, set the default property number format by right clicking on the field in the data pane (left margin) instead of on a shelf

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