End of Central Directory Record Could Not Be Found

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (End of Central Directory record could not be found.)

Reinstalling the crank and crank-agent packages resolved this error.

Another error that I faced when trying to uninstall the package was it was saying I do not have permission to access the location where the package file was. And the reason being crank-agent was running in one of the PowerShell terminal windows. After stopping the crank-agent and I could run the uninstalling command.

To uninstall run below commands:

  • dotnet tool uninstall microsoft.crank.controller -g

  • dotnet tool uninstall microsoft.crank.agent -g

ZipArchive generated zip file not extracted

Using statement braces matter here.

You have to flush out any buffered data and finish the zip archive, by closing it, which is what writes the central directory record into the zip file, before you read back the bytes written to the MemoryStream.

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