Encrypting App.Config File

Encrypting app.config File

You cannot encrypt the entire <system.serviceModel> - it's a configuration section group, which contains configuration sections.

The aspnet_regiis will only encrypt configuration sections - so you need to selectively encrypt those parts you need, like this:

cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "system.serviceModel/bindings" .
aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "system.serviceModel/services" .


With this, you can encrypt what you need easily - what isn't too important, can be left in clear text.

Word of warning: since it's aspnet_regiis, it expects to be dealing with a web.config file - copy your app.config to a location and call it web.config, encrypt your sections, and copy those encrypted sections back into your own app.config.

Or write your own config section encrypter/decrypter - it's really just a few lines of code! Or use mine - I wrote a small ConfigSectionCrypt utility, come grab it off my OneDrive - with full source (C# - .NET 3.5 - Visual Studio 2008). It allows you to encrypt and decrypt sections from any config file - just specify the file name on the command line.

Encrypt connection string in app.config

Have a look at This Article it has some very useful examples. You're basically looking for System.Configuration.SectionInformation.ProtectSection to help you out here.

Also have a peek at Implementing Protected Configuration

Encrypt App or Web.config using aspnet_regiis - Section 'xyz' not found

I think your command is wrong, even if the folder D:\Tes contains your web.config:

aspnet_regiis -pef connectionSettings D:\Tes -prov LiteProvider

You've mis-typed connectionSettings instead of the connectionStrings:

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -pef "connectionStrings" <full path to directory containing web.config file>

isn't the syntax aspnet_regiis -pef [section name] [web.config path] ? the section name is connectionSettings not connectionStrings

Here is the result when I try it on my PC.

  1. Copy an App.Config with AppSettings (or ConnectionStrings) sections to C:\Temp, and rename it to Web.config.

  2. Run this command:
    %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -pef "appSettings" c:\Temp

Sample Image

After running the aspnet_regiis command the appSettings is encrypted:

Sample Image

  1. Rename the C:\Temp\Web.Config to App.Config


Your XML isn't the format expected, eg:


Use the standard appSettings or connectionStrings format:

<add key="server" value="192.168.1.xxx"/>
<add key="database" value="myDb"/>
<add key="uid" value="root"/>
<add key="pwd" value="123"/>

REF: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/3b5a1d1f-aa57-40d8-8607-fee0b2a8a6db/protect-appconfig-file-or-encrypt?forum=winforms



Encrypting connectionStrings section - utility for app.config

You can try the following:


In short - rename the app.config file to web.config - the schema is identical, so aspnet_regiis works. Rename back to app.config when finished.

External app config and encryption of settings

After a lot of research and looking into the code for NameValueFileSectionHandler i realized that the class was not able to resolve configSection's pointed to by the file="file path" attribute, if the external configSection where encrypted. Don't know if this was a bug or not in NameValueFileSectionHandler. Maybe someone here can answer that.

However I ended up writing my own NameValueFileSectionHandler which could return a NameValueCollection and handle encrypted external config files.

public class NameValueFileProtectedSectionHandler : IConfigurationSectionHandler
public object Create(object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)
object result = parent;

XmlNode fileAttribute = section.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem("file");

if (fileAttribute == null && fileAttribute.Value.Length == 0)
return new NameValueSectionHandler().Create(result, null, section);

IConfigErrorInfo configXmlNode = fileAttribute as IConfigErrorInfo;

if (configXmlNode == null)
return null;

string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(configXmlNode.Filename);
string absoluteFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(directory + fileAttribute.Value);

if (!File.Exists(absoluteFilePath))
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format("external config file: {0} does not exists", absoluteFilePath));

var configXmlDocument = new ConfigXmlDocument();
catch (XmlException e)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(e.Message, e, absoluteFilePath, e.LineNumber);

if (section.Name != configXmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format("Section name '{0}' in app.config does not match section name '{1}' in file '{2}'", section.Name, configXmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name, absoluteFilePath));

var nodeToDecrypt = configXmlDocument.DocumentElement["EncryptedData"];

if (nodeToDecrypt == null)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format("External encrypted file {0} does not contain EncryptedData element", absoluteFilePath));

var protectionProvider = new DpapiProtectedConfigurationProvider();
var decryptedConfigSection = protectionProvider.Decrypt(nodeToDecrypt);

result = new NameValueSectionHandler().Create(result, null, decryptedConfigSection);

return result;

The handler is restricted to default configuration encryption. But I could imagine that it would be possible to extend the Create function to support custom providers as defined in the app.config file.

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