Ef: Include With Where Clause

EF: Include with where clause

Now EF Core 5.0's Filter Include method now supports filtering of the entities included

var busses = _Context.Busses
.Include(b => b.Passengers
.Where(p => p.Awake))
.Where(b => b.IsDriving);

Entity Framework include with where clause

I think DateTime.Date is not supported in Linq to Entities. You could use DbFunctions.TruncateTime static method:

var justDate= date.Date;
var movieList=db.Movies.Include(x=>x.Shows)
.Where(x => x.Shows.Any(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.DateTime) == justDate))


After read @Jonathan's comment I did a little research and it's true using DbFunctions.TruncateTime could affect the performance. You can find a detailed explanation in this post.

Following the same idea of @JonathanAllen and @MattJohnson, you can avoid to use that function if you do a range query instead, truncating first the Time from date parameter:

var startDate= date.Date;
var endDate= startDate.AddDays(1);
var movieList=db.Movies.Include(x=>x.Shows)
.Where(x => x.Shows.Any(x =>x.DateTime >= startDate && x.DateTime < endDate)

EF: Include with where clause, + SubIncludes

For the answer, scroll down to the answer section.

Disclaimer: I love EF. For 99.999% of calls made in my system, I can write the code (LINQ) the fastest, and the OR-Mapping is the fastest system. Also, the Generated Queries (While confusing to look at) have much faster execution plans than hand-written SQL. But that isn't the case here.

Research Section

To begin with an Aside: The raw SQL to view my final request is something like this:

SELECT * FROM [Busses] [bus]
LEFT JOIN [Passengers] [passenger] ON [passenger].[BusID] = [bus].[BusID] AND [passenger].[Awake] <> 1
LEFT JOIN [CarryOns] [carryOn] ON [carryOn].[PassengerID] = [passenger].[PassengerID]
LEFT JOIN [Luggages] [luggage] ON [luggage].[PassengerID] = [passenger].[PassengerID]
WHERE [bus].[IsDriving] = 1

Of course, if EF were to generate something for these results, it would require nesting and key fields to know how to map them. No big deal.

Unfortunately, in order to achieve this with a single hit to the database, I have to do the following:

var busses = context.Set<BusEntity>().Where(x => x.IsDriving);
var passengers = context.Set<PassengerEntity>().Where(x => x.Awake);
var carryOns = context.Set<CarryOnEntity>();
var luggages = context.Set<LuggageEntity>();

var passengerJoins = passengers.GroupJoin(
x => x.PassengerID,
y => y.PassengerID,
(x, y) => new { Passenger = x, CarryOns = y }
x => x.CarryOns.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(x, y) => new { Passenger = x.Passenger, CarryOns = x.CarryOns }
x => x.Passenger.PassengerID,
y => y.PassengerID,
(x, y) => new { Passenger = x.Passenger, CarryOns = x.CarryOns, Luggages = y }
x => x.Luggages.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(x, y) => new { Passenger = x.Passenger, CarryOns = x.CarryOns, Luggages = x.Luggages }

var bussesToPassengers = busses.GroupJoin(
x => x.BusID,
y => y.Passenger.BusID,
(x, y) => new { Bus = x, Passengers = y }
x => x.Passengers.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(x, y) => new { Bus = x.Bus, Passengers = x.Passengers }
.GroupBy(x => x.Bus);

var rez = bussesToPassengers.ToList()
.Select(x => x.First().Bus)

I don't complain about the EF Generated SQL, but the single SQL statement was a couple hundred lines. I hacked at it, removed the SELECT columns, and altered some ID's to match this question, it was something like this:

FROM [dbo].[Bus] AS [Extent1]
FROM [dbo].[Passenger] AS [Extent2]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent2].[PassengerId] = [Extent3].[PassengerId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Luggages] AS [Extent4] ON [Extent2].[PassengerId] = [Extent4].[PassengerId]
WHERE [Extent1].[IsDriving] = 1
) AS [Distinct1] ) AS [Project2]
FROM [dbo].[Bus] AS [Extent6]
FROM [dbo].[Passenger] AS [Extent7]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent8] ON [Extent7].[PassengerId] = [Extent8].[PassengerId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Luggages] AS [Extent9] ON [Extent7].[PassengerId] = [Extent9].[PassengerId]
WHERE ([Extent6].[IsDriving] = 1) AND ([Project2].[BusId] = [Extent6].[BusId]) ) AS [Project3]
FROM [dbo].[Passenger] AS [Extent11]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent12] ON [Extent11].[PassengerId] = [Extent12].[PassengerId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Luggages] AS [Extent13] ON [Extent11].[PassengerId] = [Extent13].[PassengerId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent15] ON [Extent11].[PassengerId] = [Extent15].[PassengerId]
WHERE ([Extent11].[IsAwake] = 1) AND ([Project3].[BusId] = [Extent11].[BusId])
FROM [dbo].[Passenger] AS [Extent16]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent17] ON [Extent16].[PassengerId] = [Extent17].[PassengerId]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Luggages] AS [Extent18] ON [Extent16].[PassengerId] = [Extent18].[PassengerId]
WHERE ([Extent16].[IsAwake] = 1) AND ([Project3].[BusId] = [Extent16].[BusId])
) AS [Project7]
ORDER BY ........................

For my personal test data, My Hand-Written SQL Query returns 54 rows, and the EF Generated Query returns about 30,000 rows. So if you only consider the increase in time for the Over-The-Wire transfer of the data, that is not acceptable.

Answer Section

The answer is: You can use Linq to Entities (on DB) and Linq to Objects (in code) to achieve your results in a single call, but it will not be performant. You can instead choose multiple calls with better performance, including less data transferred over the wire, more readable generated queries, and more understandable code.

The best bet is to perform multiple queries. This is the way I am doing it:

var bus = context.Set<BusEntity>().Where(x => x.IsDriving).ToList();
var busIDs = bus.Select(x => x.BusID).ToList();
var passengers = context.Set<PassengerEntity>().Where(x => x.IsAwake && busIDs.Contains(x.BusID)).ToList();
var passengerIDs = passengers.Select(x => x.PassengerID).ToList();
var carryOns = context.Set<CarryOnEntity>().Where(x => passengerIDs.Contains(x.PassengerID)).ToList();
var luggages = context.Set<LuggageEntity>().Where(x => passengerIDs.Contains(x.PassengerID)).ToList();
passengers.ForEach(x => {
x.CarryOns = carryOns.Where(y => y.PassengerID == x.PassengerID).ToList();
x.Luggages = luggages.Where(y => y.PassengerID == x.PassengerID).ToList();
bus.ForEach(x => x.Passengers = passengers.Where(y => y.BusID == x.BusID).ToList());

This generated 4 calls. Altogether, the SQL had about 40 lines. I hacked at it, removed the SELECT columns, and altered some ID's to match this question, it was something like this:

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Busses] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[IsDriving] = 1

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Passengers] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[Awake] = 1) AND ([Extent1].[BusID] IN (......................))

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[CarryOns] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[PassengerID] IN (......................)

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Luggages] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[PassengerID] IN (......................)

The EF Generated Query returns about 100 rows total across the 4 round-trip calls. So that means 4 calls to the database, but all very small, readable, and very quick.

I didn't time it, but whenever I pause on a breakpoint above this answer's code, and F5 to the other side of the result, it is instant. When I do the same thing for the Single-Call in my research, it took a solid second or more, noticeable lag running over that.

Entity Framework Core Include(...Where)

I think the main thing here is that you need to provide an Expression to your include. If you want to refactor and have it as a testable, reusable independent unit you can create for example a static Expression property that you then can pass to the Include method.

Something like;

public static Expression<Func<MyStoreObject, IEnumerable<MySubType>>> MyIncludeExpression 
get { return e => e.Types.Where(x => true); }

(MyStoreObject being the type of the DocumentGroups, MySubType being the type of the property Types enumerable.)

and call it with

var groups = dbContext.DocumentGroups
.OrderBy(e => e.Name);

See the documentation of the EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.Include Method.

EF include with where clause

You can try using include this way:

var query = _context.MemberPoint.Include("Resource.ResourceDetails")
.Where(m => m.MemberId == 111111);

Or try joining on resourceId and selecting an anonymous type with the data you need:

var query = (from m in _context.MemberPoint
join rd in _context.ResourceDetails on m.ResourceId equals rd.ResourceId
where m.MemberId == 11111
select new
Member = m,
ResourceDetail = rd

Using where/select in a query containing Include, when either where/select is not present in the context? Does Where on related table require Include?

It's hard to be sure without the model, but I assume this should work:

var claims = await _context.Claims.AsNoTracking()                            
.Where(cl=>cl.Matter.Contract.con_name=='C109K') // <-- find the contract associated with the claim

The .Include() and .ThenInclude() methods are used to load the related entities (see the documentation on eager loading). They ask EF Core to retrieve the data from the database, and load it in the associated entities.

For example in your case:

var claim = (await _context.Claims.AsNoTracking()).First();
var matter = claim.Matter; // matter will always be null, because it was no loaded

claim = (await _context.Claims.Include(cl=>cl.Matter).AsNoTracking()).First();
matter = claim.Matter; // the claim's matter is loaded thanks to the Include call
var contract = matter.Contract; // contract is null because it was not loaded

claim = (await _context.Claims.Include(cl=>cl.Matter).ThenInclude(mat=>mat.Contract).AsNoTracking()).First();
matter = claim.Matter; // the claim's matter is loaded thanks to the Include call
contract = matter.Contract; // contract is loaded thanks to the ThenInclude call

Those methods allow for granular control over which data is retrieved from your database: sometime you don't need all data, only the top level view.

In your case however, those calls are not needed because you don't retrieve the linked entities: you only need them for filtering, and the filtering is done solely by running the appropriate SQL query.

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