Does Java Have Something Similar to C# Properties

Does java have something similar to C# properties?

No, Java does not have the equivalence. It only has accessor and mutator methods, fancy names for getter and setter methods. For example:

public class User {
private String name;

public String getName() { return; }
public void setName(String name) { = name; }

Does Java have properties that work the same way properties work in C#?


That's why Java has getters/setters.

In C# you typically have something like:

public class SomeObject
private string _title = "";

public string Title { get { return _title; } set { _title = value; } }

// Or with Auto-Properties
public class SomeObjectAutoProperties
public string Title { get; set; }

The Java getter/setter equivalent would be:

public class SomeObject
private String _title = "";

public string getTitle() { return _title; }

public void setTitle(String value) { _title = value; }

Does Java have properties like in C#?

It really depends what definition you're using. Accessing some class's data without using parentheses is a very weak definition of "property." You can make any class/instance member field public and thus have it accessible without using a method.

That doesn't make it like a C# property where you can add custom logic to how getting and setting is done on that field though! You're straight up reading from/writing to a variable. The length field of an array is not writable and is in fact immutable, so it's not horrible style for that to have been done. But other classes that expose their fields have gotten into trouble, like Point and Dimension.

What's the Difference Between C# and Java Class Properties?

In Java, you don't have a syntatic way to explicitly "declare a property", like you do in C#. It doesn't mean that properties do not exist in Java semantically.

From the official docs:

To define a property in a bean class, supply public getter and setter methods.

So, taking your class as example, it would look like this in Java:

public class Dude{
public String fName;
public String lName;

public String getFName() {
return fName;

public void setFName(String fName) {
this.fName = fName;

public String getLName() {
return lName;

public void setLName(String lName) {
this.lName = lName;

public String getFullName() {
return this.fName + " " + this.lName;

If you introspect it with Java's reflection API and manipulate PropertyDescriptors, you will notice that they delegate read/write operations to the getters and setters:

BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(MyBean.class);
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = info.getPropertyDescriptors();

pds[0].getReadMethod().invoke(..); // Call to getFName()
pds[0].getWriteMethod().invoke(..); // Call to setFName()

Apart from the syntax sugar you get from C#, I believe the biggest issue with this approach on Java is having code error prone. It's pretty easy to copy/paste code and forget to actually change manipulated variables. With the C# sugar, as you just declare the property Type, Name and Acessors, you got less room for human error.

Is there a C# analogue of java.util.Properties class

If you create a standard .NET project and go to Properties, then go to Settings, then click to create one, you should be able to accomplish what you want there. That will allow you use Properties.Settings which is good for persisting user settings.

If you want application wide settings, the app.config (compiled as MyApplication.exe.config) is the way to go. You can access these settings via ConfigurationManager.AppSettings (requires System.Configuration assembly reference)

In regards to the difference between Java Properties and C#' Properties

In java you can not set a private field from another class if there is no public getter and setter methods. Private fields without getter and setter methods can only be set and viewed within the same class.

For example

public class A {
private int a;
private int b;
private int c;
public int s;

public A(){
a=5; // In same class
b=3; // In same class

public int sum(){
return a+b; // I can access a and b directly, because we are in the same class with them.

public getC(){
return c; // Other classes can read value of c with this public method

public setC(int value){
c=value; // Other classes can set value of c with this public method


public class B{
private A obj = new A(); //

public void someMethod(){
int t = obj.getC(); // this is ok
int g = obj.s; // this is ok because s is public
int f = obj.c // compiler error, c is private, i can't see it from another class directly
int p = obj.a // compiler error, a is private, i can't see it from another class directly

Does Java have Automatic Properties?

No, Java has nothing similar at the moment. Heck, properties in Java are mostly just conventions of get/set methods, rather than being genuinely understood by the compiler as they are in C#. Tools and libraries recognise the get/set pattern, but the language doesn't know about them. (It's possible that in a future version of Java, there'll be more "formal" support.)

Some Java-like languages such as Groovy do have automatic property generation, however.

Java and C#-like properties


You don't have the concept of Properties in the Java language. You need to use getters and setters..

Why doesn't Java have automatic properties like C#?

It is not so easy to add new features to an existing programming language, especially if you care about backward compatibility. Sun has always been extremely careful with adding new features to Java, because they wanted to be absolutely sure that any new language feature will not break the millions of Java programs that have been written over the years.

So, it's not just a question of adding this to the language; you have to think very carefully, and try it out, to discover if there aren't any subtle backward compatibility problems with whatever new feature you want to add.

There have been proposals to add support for properties in one form or another in Java, but it looks like for Java 7 (the next version coming up) this is not a feature that is being considered.

You might want to have a look at Project Lombok, which is a kind of extension to Java, using annotations, to make it possible to write more concise code (it can, for example, automatically generate getters and setters for fields).

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