Difference Between String and String in C#

What is the difference between String and string in C#?

string is an alias in C# for System.String.

So technically, there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32.

As far as guidelines, it's generally recommended to use string any time you're referring to an object.


string place = "world";

Likewise, I think it's generally recommended to use String if you need to refer specifically to the class.


string greet = String.Format("Hello {0}!", place);

This is the style that Microsoft tends to use in their examples.

It appears that the guidance in this area may have changed, as StyleCop now enforces the use of the C# specific aliases.

What is the difference between String and string in C#?

string is an alias in C# for System.String.

So technically, there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32.

As far as guidelines, it's generally recommended to use string any time you're referring to an object.


string place = "world";

Likewise, I think it's generally recommended to use String if you need to refer specifically to the class.


string greet = String.Format("Hello {0}!", place);

This is the style that Microsoft tends to use in their examples.

It appears that the guidance in this area may have changed, as StyleCop now enforces the use of the C# specific aliases.

What is the difference between string[][] and string[,] in C#

Have a look here:

Basically, the difference is how the memory is allocated.
[,] notation will allocate all of the needed memory in one block, while [][] notation will allocate an array of pointers to arrays, where each array is allocated separately and not necessarily next to the others

In C# what is the difference: string vs String

System.String is the name of the actual .NET CLR class, just like System.Int32 is the real name of that class. But the designers of C# wanted it to look a lot like C and C++, where the native types (like int) are in lower case, so they added aliases for the basic native types.

What is the difference between string and String?

In normal usage, string and String are identical; string is simply an alias for global::System.String. There are some edge-cases, though:

  • you need a using System; to use String - you don't for string
  • if you define a local class String {}, then String refers to that (this would be a silly thing to do, of course). You can't define a class called string (although @string is fine)

What is the difference Between String and string?

string is an alias for System.String. It doesn't matter whether you use String or string. It's in the end translated into System.String anyway.

It's the same case as with System.Int32 and int etc.

Here is the list of all aliases.

In C#. What is the differences between String and string?

string is a keyword, while System.String is a class. You can consider string to be an alias for System.String.

Difference between String.join and string.join? ReSharper - Name can be simplified

string is an alias of String in C#

In C#, string is an alias for the String class in .NET framework. In
fact, every C# type has an equivalent in .NET. As another example,
short and int in C# map to Int16 and Int32 in .NET. So, technically
there is no difference between string and String, but it is common
practice to declare a variable using C# keywords.

What is the difference bewteen the string and string builder in c#

StringBuilder is mutable which gives better performance when you need to manipulate content multiple times.

In case of string, it has to create instances multiple times because string is immutable.

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