Decrypt from Sha256

How to decrypt a SHA-256 encrypted string?

SHA-256 is a cryptographic (one-way) hash function, so there is no direct way to decode it. The entire purpose of a cryptographic hash function is that you can't undo it.

One thing you can do is a brute-force strategy, where you guess what was hashed, then hash it with the same function and see if it matches. Unless the hashed data is very easy to guess, it could take a long time though.

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Encrypt And Decrypt Hash sha256 in Postgresql

There is a difference between hashing and encryption:

  • an encrypted value can be descrypted to get the original back, so encryption is loss-free and two different clear text values will always result in different encrypted values

  • a hash cannot be decrypted, because information is lost; different values can result in the same hash, although it is desirable that these "collisions" do not happen too often

Hashing is irreversible, while encryption is reversible.

Now digest is a hashing function:

digest(data text, type text) returns bytea
digest(data bytea, type text) returns bytea

Computes a binary hash of the given data.

So you won't be able to recover the original string.

Can SHA-256 Be Decrypted?

SHA-256 is not encryption, it's hashing.

You can't decrypt it, that's the whole point with it. You use it by hashing other data and comparing the hash codes to determine if the data is identical to the original.

Hashing is used for passwords. By storing the hash of a password it can't be used to find out the password, but it can be used to determine if an entered password is correct.

Hashing is also used to determine the integrity of data files. When data is transfered there might be accidental changes, by comparing a hash of the original data with the hash of the transfered data you can determine if the data is intact.

decode sh256 in oracle

Hash functions are deliberately one way. So you cannot get the original value from the hash value. (You could use brute force and hash all possible original values and see which yields the given hash value. But that's likely not finishing in your lifetime and will produce false positives because of collisions. So you'd even need some second criteria.) Not in Oracle, not anywhere else...

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