C# Regex to Remove Non - Printable Characters, and Control Characters, in a Text That Has a Mix of Many Different Languages, Unicode Letters

Removing hidden characters from within strings

You can remove all control characters from your input string with something like this:

string input; // this is your input string
string output = new string(input.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());

Here is the documentation for the IsControl() method.

Or if you want to keep letters and digits only, you can also use the IsLetter and IsDigit function:

string output = new string(input.Where(c => char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray());

Clearing unwanted hex characters with/without regex in c#

As MindSwipe suggests, you may use \p{C} to match any control character.

But you do not need to add a lot of code to subtract some characters you might want to keep, use character class subtraction:

var output = Regex.Replace(YourTextVariable, @"[\p{C}-[\t\r\n]]+", "");

This will match one or more control characters different from tab, carriage return and line feed.

Replace non printable character with octal representation in C++/CLI

Not sure if you can do it inline. I've used this type of logic.

// tested
String^ input = "\042This has \011 internal vertical quote and tab \042";
String^ pat = "\\p{C}";
String^ result = input;
array<Byte>^ bytes;

Regex^ search = gcnew Regex(pat);
for (Match^ match = search->Match(input); match->Success; match = match->NextMatch()) {
bytes = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(match->Value);
int x = bytes[0];

result = result->Replace(match->Value
, "\\" + Convert::ToString(x,8)->PadLeft(3, '0'));

Console::WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", input, result);

How to remove control chars from UTF8 string


resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, "\p{C}+", "");

This will remove all "other" Unicode characters (control, format, private use, surrogate, and unassigned) from your string.

Unicode character range not being consumed by Regex

While the other contributors to this question provided some clues, I needed an answer. My test is a rules engine that is driven by a regex that is built up from file input, so hard coding the logic into C# is not an option.

However, I did learn here that

  1. the .NET Regex class does not support surrogate pairs and
  2. you can fake support for surrogate pair ranges by using regex alteration

But of course, in my data-driven case I can't manually change the regexes to a format that .NET will accept - I need to automate it. So, I created the below Utf32Regex class that accepts UTF32 characters directly in the constructor and internally converts them to regexes that .NET understands.

For example, it will convert the regex





"([\\u0000-\\u0009\\u000B\\u000C\\u000E-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F\\u00AD" +
"\\u061C\\u180E\\u200B\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028-\\u202E\\u2060-\\u206F\\uD800-" +
"\\uDFFF\\uFEFF\\uFFF0-\\uFFFB\\U0001BCA0-\\U0001BCA3\\U0001D173-" +
"\\U0001D17A\\U000E0000-\\U000E001F\\U000E0080-\\U000E00FF\\U000E01F0-\\U000E0FFF] " +
"| [\\u000D] | [\\u000A]) ()"


"((?:[\\u0000-\\u0009\\u000B\\u000C\\u000E-\\u001F\\u007F-\\u009F\\u00AD\\u061C\\u180E" + 
"\\u200B\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028-\\u202E\\u2060-\\u206F\\uD800-\\uDFFF\\uFEFF\\uFFF0-\\uFFFB]|" +
"\\uD82F[\\uDCA0-\\uDCA3]|\\uD834[\\uDD73-\\uDD7A]|\\uDB40[\\uDC00-\\uDC1F]|" +
"\\uDB40[\\uDC80-\\uDCFF]|\\uDB40[\\uDDF0-\\uDFFF]|[\\uDB41-\\uDB42][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]|" +
"\\uDB43[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]) | [\\u000D] | [\\u000A]) ()"


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

/// <summary>
/// Patches the <see cref="Regex"/> class so it will automatically convert and interpret
/// UTF32 characters expressed like <c>\U00010000</c> or UTF32 ranges expressed
/// like <c>\U00010000-\U00010001</c>.
/// </summary>
public class Utf32Regex : Regex
private const char MinLowSurrogate = '\uDC00';
private const char MaxLowSurrogate = '\uDFFF';

private const char MinHighSurrogate = '\uD800';
private const char MaxHighSurrogate = '\uDBFF';

// Match any character class such as [A-z]
private static readonly Regex characterClass = new Regex(

// Match a UTF32 range such as \U000E01F0-\U000E0FFF
// or an individual character such as \U000E0FFF
private static readonly Regex utf32Range = new Regex(

public Utf32Regex()
: base()

public Utf32Regex(string pattern)
: base(ConvertUTF32Characters(pattern))

public Utf32Regex(string pattern, RegexOptions options)
: base(ConvertUTF32Characters(pattern), options)

public Utf32Regex(string pattern, RegexOptions options, TimeSpan matchTimeout)
: base(ConvertUTF32Characters(pattern), options, matchTimeout)

private static string ConvertUTF32Characters(string regexString)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// Convert any UTF32 character ranges \U00000000-\U00FFFFFF to their
// equivalent UTF16 characters
ConvertUTF32CharacterClassesToUTF16Characters(regexString, result);
// Now find all of the individual characters that were not in ranges and
// fix those as well.

return result.ToString();

private static void ConvertUTF32CharacterClassesToUTF16Characters(string regexString, StringBuilder result)
Match match = characterClass.Match(regexString); // Reset
int lastEnd = 0;
if (match.Success)
string characterClass = match.Groups[1].Value;
string convertedCharacterClass = ConvertUTF32CharacterRangesToUTF16Characters(characterClass);

result.Append(regexString.Substring(lastEnd, match.Index - lastEnd)); // Remove the match
result.Append(convertedCharacterClass); // Append replacement

lastEnd = match.Index + match.Length;
} while ((match = match.NextMatch()).Success);
result.Append(regexString.Substring(lastEnd)); // Append tail

private static string ConvertUTF32CharacterRangesToUTF16Characters(string characterClass)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder chars = new StringBuilder();

Match match = utf32Range.Match(characterClass); // Reset
int lastEnd = 0;
if (match.Success)
string utf16Chars;
string rangeBegin = match.Groups["begin"].Value.Substring(2);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["end"].Value))
string rangeEnd = match.Groups["end"].Value.Substring(2);
utf16Chars = UTF32RangeToUTF16Chars(rangeBegin, rangeEnd);
utf16Chars = UTF32ToUTF16Chars(rangeBegin);

result.Append(characterClass.Substring(lastEnd, match.Index - lastEnd)); // Remove the match
chars.Append(utf16Chars); // Append replacement

lastEnd = match.Index + match.Length;
} while ((match = match.NextMatch()).Success);
result.Append(characterClass.Substring(lastEnd)); // Append tail of character class

// Special case - if we have removed all of the contents of the
// character class, we need to remove the square brackets and the
// alternation character |
int emptyCharClass = result.IndexOf("[]");
if (emptyCharClass >= 0)
result.Remove(emptyCharClass, 2);
// Append replacement ranges (exclude beginning |)
result.Append(chars.ToString(1, chars.Length - 1));
// Append replacement ranges

if (chars.Length > 0)
// Wrap both the character class and any UTF16 character alteration into
// a non-capturing group.
return "(?:" + result.ToString() + ")";
return result.ToString();

private static void ConvertUTF32CharactersToUTF16(StringBuilder result)
while (true)
int where = result.IndexOf("\\U00");
if (where < 0)
string cp = UTF32ToUTF16Chars(result.ToString(where + 2, 8));
result.Replace(where, where + 10, cp);

private static string UTF32RangeToUTF16Chars(string hexBegin, string hexEnd)
var result = new StringBuilder();
int beginCodePoint = int.Parse(hexBegin, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int endCodePoint = int.Parse(hexEnd, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

var beginChars = char.ConvertFromUtf32(beginCodePoint);
var endChars = char.ConvertFromUtf32(endCodePoint);
int beginDiff = endChars[0] - beginChars[0];

if (beginDiff == 0)
// If the begin character is the same, we can just use the syntax \uD807[\uDDEF-\uDFFF]
AppendUTF16Character(result, beginChars[0]);
AppendUTF16Character(result, beginChars[1]);
AppendUTF16Character(result, endChars[1]);
// If the begin character is not the same, create 3 ranges
// 1. The remainder of the first
// 2. A range of all of the middle characters
// 3. The beginning of the last

AppendUTF16Character(result, beginChars[0]);
AppendUTF16Character(result, beginChars[1]);
AppendUTF16Character(result, MaxLowSurrogate);

// We only need a middle range if the ranges are not adjacent
if (beginDiff > 1)
// We only need a character class if there are more than 1
// characters in the middle range
if (beginDiff > 2)
AppendUTF16Character(result, (char)(Math.Min(beginChars[0] + 1, MaxHighSurrogate)));
if (beginDiff > 2)
AppendUTF16Character(result, (char)(Math.Max(endChars[0] - 1, MinHighSurrogate)));
AppendUTF16Character(result, MinLowSurrogate);
AppendUTF16Character(result, MaxLowSurrogate);

AppendUTF16Character(result, endChars[0]);
AppendUTF16Character(result, MinLowSurrogate);
AppendUTF16Character(result, endChars[1]);
return result.ToString();

private static string UTF32ToUTF16Chars(string hex)
int codePoint = int.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return UTF32ToUTF16Chars(codePoint);

private static string UTF32ToUTF16Chars(int codePoint)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
UTF32ToUTF16Chars(codePoint, result);
return result.ToString();

private static void UTF32ToUTF16Chars(int codePoint, StringBuilder result)
// Use regex alteration to on the entire range of UTF32 code points
// to ensure each one is treated as a group.
AppendUTF16CodePoint(result, codePoint);

private static void AppendUTF16CodePoint(StringBuilder text, int cp)
var chars = char.ConvertFromUtf32(cp);
AppendUTF16Character(text, chars[0]);
if (chars.Length == 2)
AppendUTF16Character(text, chars[1]);

private static void AppendUTF16Character(StringBuilder text, char c)
text.Append(Convert.ToString(c, 16).ToUpperInvariant());


public static class StringBuilderExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Searches for the first index of the specified character. The search for
/// the character starts at the beginning and moves towards the end.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">This <see cref="StringBuilder"/>.</param>
/// <param name="value">The string to find.</param>
/// <returns>The index of the specified character, or -1 if the character isn't found.</returns>
public static int IndexOf(this StringBuilder text, string value)
return IndexOf(text, value, 0);

/// <summary>
/// Searches for the index of the specified character. The search for the
/// character starts at the specified offset and moves towards the end.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">This <see cref="StringBuilder"/>.</param>
/// <param name="value">The string to find.</param>
/// <param name="startIndex">The starting offset.</param>
/// <returns>The index of the specified character, or -1 if the character isn't found.</returns>
public static int IndexOf(this StringBuilder text, string value, int startIndex)
if (text == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

int index;
int length = value.Length;
int maxSearchLength = (text.Length - length) + 1;

for (int i = startIndex; i < maxSearchLength; ++i)
if (text[i] == value[0])
index = 1;
while ((index < length) && (text[i + index] == value[index]))

if (index == length)
return i;

return -1;

/// <summary>
/// Replaces the specified subsequence in this builder with the specified
/// string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">this builder.</param>
/// <param name="start">the inclusive begin index.</param>
/// <param name="end">the exclusive end index.</param>
/// <param name="str">the replacement string.</param>
/// <returns>this builder.</returns>
/// <exception cref="IndexOutOfRangeException">
/// if <paramref name="start"/> is negative, greater than the current
/// <see cref="StringBuilder.Length"/> or greater than <paramref name="end"/>.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if <paramref name="str"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
public static StringBuilder Replace(this StringBuilder text, int start, int end, string str)
if (str == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(str));
if (start >= 0)
if (end > text.Length)
end = text.Length;
if (end > start)
int stringLength = str.Length;
int diff = end - start - stringLength;
if (diff > 0)
{ // replacing with fewer characters
text.Remove(start, diff);
else if (diff < 0)
// replacing with more characters...need some room
text.Insert(start, new char[-diff]);
// copy the chars based on the new length
for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++)
text[i + start] = str[i];
return text;
if (start == end)

text.Insert(start, str);
return text;
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

Do note this is not very well tested and probably not very robust, but for testing purposes it should be fine.

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