C#:Is Variance (Covariance/Contravariance) Another Word for Polymorphism

C# : Is Variance (Covariance / Contravariance) another word for Polymorphism?

It's certainly related to polymorphism. I wouldn't say they're just "another word" for polymorphism though - they're about very specific situations, where you can treat one type as if it were another type in a certain context.

For instance, with normal polymorphism you can treat any reference to a Banana as a reference to a Fruit - but that doesn't mean you can substitute Fruit every time you see the type Banana. For example, a List<Banana> can't be treated as a List<Fruit> because list.Add(new Apple()) is valid for List<Fruit> but not for List<Banana>.

Covariance allows a "bigger" (less specific) type to be substituted in an API where the original type is only used in an "output" position (e.g. as a return value). Contravariance allows a "smaller" (more specific) type to be substituted in an API where the original type is only used in an "input" position.

It's hard to go into all the details in a single SO post (although hopefully someone else will do a better job than this!). Eric Lippert has an excellent series of blog posts about it.

still confused about covariance and contravariance & in/out

Both covariance and contravariance in C# 4.0 refer to the ability of using a derived class instead of base class. The in/out keywords are compiler hints to indicate whether or not the type parameters will be used for input and output.


Covariance in C# 4.0 is aided by out keyword and it means that a generic type using a derived class of the out type parameter is OK. Hence

IEnumerable<Fruit> fruit = new List<Apple>();

Since Apple is a Fruit, List<Apple> can be safely used as IEnumerable<Fruit>


Contravariance is the in keyword and it denotes input types, usually in delegates. The principle is the same, it means that the delegate can accept more derived class.

public delegate void Func<in T>(T param);

This means that if we have a Func<Fruit>, it can be converted to Func<Apple>.

Func<Fruit> fruitFunc = (fruit)=>{};
Func<Apple> appleFunc = fruitFunc;

Why are they called co/contravariance if they are basically the same thing?

Because even though the principle is the same, safe casting from derived to base, when used on the input types, we can safely cast a less derived type (Func<Fruit>) to a more derived type (Func<Apple>), which makes sense, since any function that takes Fruit, can also take Apple.

How is covariance cooler than polymorphism...and not redundant?

Consider an API which asks for an IContainer<Shape>:

public void DrawShape(IContainer<Shape> container>) { /* ... */ }

You have a Container<Circle>. How can you pass your container to the DrawShape API? Without covariance, the type Container<Circle> is not convertible to IContainer<Shape>, requiring you to rewrap the type or come up with some other workaround.

This is not an uncommon problem in APIs that use a lot of generic parameters.

Covariance and Contravariance - Just different mechanisms for invoking guaranteed base class behavior?

I'm having a struggle understanding these two concepts.

Yes you are. Many people do.

But I think after many videos and SO QA's, I have it distilled down to its simplest form:

You have not.

Covariance means that a sub-type can do what its base-type does.

No. That's the Liskov Substitution Principle.

Contravariance means you can treat a sub-type the same way you would treat its base-type.

No. That's just re-stating what you said for covariance.

The real distillation of covariance and contravariance is:

  • A covariant conversion preserves the direction of another conversion.

  • A contravariant conversion reverses the direction of another conversion.

Dog is convertible to Animal. IEnumerable<Dog> is convertible to IEnumerable<Animal>.
The direction is preserved, so IEnumerable<T> is covariant. IComparable<Animal> is convertible to IComparable<Dog>, which reverses the direction of the conversion, so it is contravariant.

I understand mathematically what covariance means, and so I guess it's the same in compsci.

Just to be clear: mathematicians use "variance" to mean a bunch of different things. The meaning that is common to mathematics and computer science is the category theory definition.

In C# it's just a matter of where and in what ways these two types of relationships are supported?

Mathematically, variance tells you about whether a relation is preserved or reversed by a mapping. If we have the mapping T --> IEnumerable<T> and the relation "is convertible to via identity or reference conversion" then it is the case that in C#, if X relates to Y then IE<X> relates to IE<Y>. The mapping is therefore said to be covariant with respect to the relation.

what is it that these features are trying to accomplish by supporting them?

People frequently requested "I have a method that takes a sequence of animals and I have a sequence of turtles in hand; why do I have to copy the sequence to a new sequence to use the method?" That's a reasonable request, we got it frequently, and we got it a lot more frequently after LINQ made it easier to work with sequences. It's a generally useful feature that we could implement at a reasonable cost, so we implemented it.

Difference between Variance, Covariance, Contravariance and Bivariance in TypeScript

Variance has to do with how a generic type F<T> varies with respect to its type parameter T. If you know that T extends U, then variance will tell you whether you can conclude that F<T> extends F<U>, conclude that F<U> extends F<T>, or neither, or both.

Covariance means that F<T> and T co-vary. That is, F<T> varies with (in the same direction as) T. In other words, if T extends U, then F<T> extends F<U>. Example:

  • Function or method types co-vary with their return types:

    type Co<V> = () => V;
    function covariance<U, T extends U>(t: T, u: U, coT: Co<T>, coU: Co<U>) {
    u = t; // okay
    t = u; // error!

    coU = coT; // okay
    coT = coU; // error!

Other (un-illustrated for now) examples are:

  • objects are covariant in their property types, even though this not sound for mutable properties
  • class constructors are covariant in their instance types

Contravariance means that F<T> and T contra-vary. That is, F<T> varies counter to (in the opposite direction from) T. In other words, if T extends U, then F<U> extends F<T>. Example:

  • Function types contra-vary with their parameter types (with --strictFunctionTypes enabled):

    type Contra<V> = (v: V) => void;
    function contravariance<U, T extends U>(t: T, u: U, contraT: Contra<T>, contraU: Contra<U>) {
    u = t; // okay
    t = u; // error!

    contraU = contraT; // error!
    contraT = contraU; // okay

Other (un-illustrated for now) examples are:

  • objects are contravariant in their key types
  • class constructors are contravariant in their construct parameter types

Invariance means that F<T> neither varies with nor against T: F<T> is neither covariant nor contravariant in T. This is actually what happens in the most general case. Covariance and contravariance are "fragile" in that when you combine covariant and contravariant type functions, its easy to produce invariant results. Example:

  • Function types that return the same type as their parameter neither co-vary nor contra-vary in that type:

    type In<V> = (v: V) => V;
    function invariance<U, T extends U>(t: T, u: U, inT: In<T>, inU: In<U>) {
    u = t; // okay
    t = u; // error!

    inU = inT; // error!
    inT = inU; // error!

Bivariance means that F<T> varies both with and against T: F<T> is both covariant nor contravariant in T. In a sound type system, this essentially never happens for any non-trivial type function. You can demonstrate that only a constant type function like type F<T> = string is truly bivariant (quick sketch: T extends unknown is true for all T, so F<T> extends F<unknown> and F<unknown> extends T, and in a sound type system if A extends B and B extends A, then A is the same as B. So if F<T> = F<unknown> for all T, then F<T> is constant).

But Typescript does not have nor does it intend to have a fully sound type system. And there is one notable case where TypeScript treats a type function as bivariant:

  • Method types both co-vary and contra-vary with their parameter types (this also happens with all function types with --strictFunctionTypes disabled):

    type Bi<V> = { foo(v: V): void };
    function bivariance<U, T extends U>(t: T, u: U, biT: Bi<T>, biU: Bi<U>) {
    u = t; // okay
    t = u; // error!

    biU = biT; // okay
    biT = biU; // okay

Playground link to code

Does contravariance and covariance means using also the same type?

class Person
class Employee: Person

class PersonRegister
GetJobTitle(Employee e) {return e.JobTitle;}

class DeriverRegister: PersonRegister
GetJobTitle(Person p) //contravariance, using less derived type, cannot be done in C#

You are correct. If you want GetJobTitle in DervierRegister to be considered an override of GetJobTitle from PersonRegister, it must use exactly the same types. You should be allowed to create this method as written, but it shadows the one from PersonRegister and is not considered to be an override. So you can write the above, but

var e = new Employee();
PersonRegister pr = new DervierRegister();

Will invoke the method from PersonRegister.

does it mean my code is never LSP compliant?

To the extent that you cannot use covariance and contravariance generally, yes. However, for generic interfaces and delegates, support was added in C# 4.0. And also, as discussed, when speaking formally every type is considered to be a subtype of itself so phrases such as "a is subtype of a" are true for all types a.

What is the difference between covariance and contra-variance in programming languages?

Covariance is pretty simple and best thought of from the perspective of some collection class List. We can parameterize the List class with some type parameter T. That is, our list contains elements of type T for some T. List would be covariant if

S is a subtype of T iff List[S] is a subtype of List[T]

(Where I'm using the mathematical definition iff to mean if and only if.)

That is, a List[Apple] is a List[Fruit]. If there is some routine which accepts a List[Fruit] as a parameter, and I have a List[Apple], then I can pass this in as a valid parameter.

def something(l: List[Fruit]) {
l.add(new Pear())

If our collection class List is mutable, then covariance makes no sense because we might assume that our routine could add some other fruit (which was not an apple) as above. Hence we should only like immutable collection classes to be covariant!

C# variance problem: Assigning ListDerived as ListBase

Well this certainly won't be supported in C# 4. There's a fundamental problem:

List<Giraffe> giraffes = new List<Giraffe>();
giraffes.Add(new Giraffe());
List<Animal> animals = giraffes;
animals.Add(new Lion()); // Aargh!

Keep giraffes safe: just say no to unsafe variance.

The array version works because arrays do support reference type variance, with execution time checking. The point of generics is to provide compile-time type safety.

In C# 4 there will be support for safe generic variance, but only for interfaces and delegates. So you'll be able to do:

Func<string> stringFactory = () => "always return this string";
Func<object> objectFactory = stringFactory; // Safe, allowed in C# 4

Func<out T> is covariant in T because T is only used in an output position. Compare that with Action<in T> which is contravariant in T because T is only used in an input position there, making this safe:

Action<object> objectAction = x => Console.WriteLine(x.GetHashCode());
Action<string> stringAction = objectAction; // Safe, allowed in C# 4

IEnumerable<out T> is covariant as well, making this correct in C# 4, as pointed out by others:

IEnumerable<Animal> animals = new List<Giraffe>();
// Can't add a Lion to animals, as `IEnumerable<out T>` is a read-only interface.

In terms of working around this in your situation in C# 2, do you need to maintain one list, or would you be happy creating a new list? If that's acceptable, List<T>.ConvertAll is your friend.

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