C# Error: "An Object Reference Is Required For the Non-Static Field, Method, or Property"

CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'foo'

It looks like you are calling a non static member (a property or method, specifically setTextboxText) from a static method (specifically SumData). You will need to either:

  1. Make the called member static also:

    static void setTextboxText(int result)
    // Write static logic for setTextboxText.
    // This may require a static singleton instance of Form1.
  2. Create an instance of Form1 within the calling method:

    private static void SumData(object state)
    int result = 0;
    //int[] icount = (int[])state;
    int icount = (int)state;

    for (int i = icount; i > 0; i--)
    result += i;
    Form1 frm1 = new Form1();

    Passing in an instance of Form1 would be an option also.

  3. Make the calling method a non-static instance method (of Form1):

    private void SumData(object state)
    int result = 0;
    //int[] icount = (int[])state;
    int icount = (int)state;

    for (int i = icount; i > 0; i--)
    result += i;

More info about this error can be found on MSDN.

An object reference is required for a non-static field, method, or property

Your Main method is static and you can access only static members of the same class from a static method. All you need to do to make your EasyExploits.Module static as well:

private static readonly EasyExploits.Module module = new EasyExploits.Module();

C# error: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property

The Main method is Static. You can not invoke a non-static method from a static method.


is not a static method. Either you have to create an instance of Program

Program p = new Program();

or make

GetRandomBits() static.

C# classes: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property

You've got two options, make test static (that means it doesn't need an instance of TestClass to exist) or create an instance of testClass

// class 1
class TestClass
public string nonStaticTest = "Test";//value assigned when object created
public static string staticTest = "Test";//value assigned at the start of runtime
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.writeline(TestClass.staticTest);//this is fine
var instanceOfClass1 = new TestClass();
Console.writeline(instanceOfClass1.nonStaticTest);//this is also fine


an object reference is required for the non-static field method or property 'page.request'

Your issue here is that you made this method static. Static means that it's not tied to a specific instance. The Request property that this code is referring to is an instance property. This means that this property (can) have a different value for each instance.

ASP.NET will create a new instance of this class for each request that enters, this will make it easier to share information like the Request, Response, Context, ... for a specific request, so you have to think less about tying this all together.

C# An object reference is required for the nonstatic field

Why am I getting this error even when I don't have anything static?

You're getting this error because you don't have anything static. You're trying to use a static method that you've defined as an instance method. Right here:

RegistrationFunctions.GotoStep(this, 1);

You're not invoking it from an instance, you're trying to statically invoke it from the class. You have two options:

You can make it static:

public static void GotoStep(RegistrationWindow window, int step)

or you can create an instance of your class and call the method on that instance:

var functions = new RegistrationFunctions();
functions.GotoStep(this, 1);

Which way is correct is really up to you as you define the semantics of your program and decide what makes sense to be static and what doesn't.

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