Wordpress Will Only Fully Load on Localhost

Wordpress will only fully load on localhost

The way to make a localhost install work on other computers on the network you need to do a couple things.

  1. The localhost needs a dedicated address either IP or fake domain.

  2. WordPress needs to be configured with that address

  3. the other machines need to be told where that address is, usually in the hosts configuration file like wp.dev

where the above is an network IP assigned to your localhost with WAMP and wp.dev is the fake dev domain.
This pretty much needs to be set on all machines so they know where the host lives.

LocalHost Wordpress sites not loading css after Apache Setup Mac

I found a workaround which while it does not fix my localhost not showing the Sites folder at localhost/~paul it does allow my Wordpress sites to work. I created a folder within my sites folder called ~paul and then moved all my sites into that. Now the CSS JS etc all load fine and I am happy with that.

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