Why Is My CSS3 Animation Not Working in Chrome or Safari

CSS3 animation not working in safari

Found the solution. In Safari when you use Keyframes you need to use the whole percentage:

this won't work:

@-webkit-keyframes keyarm {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-14deg); }
10% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }

this will:

@-webkit-keyframes keyarm {
0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
5% { -webkit-transform: rotate(-14deg); }
10% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }

Don't know why but that's the way Safari works! :)

CSS Animation does only work in Firefox and Chrome, but not on Apple Devices (Safari?)

Use webkits for your keyframes:

@-webkit-keyframes counter {
0% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 0; }
10% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 8; }
20% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 16; }
30% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 32; }
40% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 64; }
50% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 128; }
60% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 256; }
70% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 512; }
80% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 1024; }
90% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 2048; }
100% { -webkit-counter-increment: count 4000; }

@keyframes counter {
0% { counter-increment: count 0; }
10% { counter-increment: count 8; }
20% { counter-increment: count 16; }
30% { counter-increment: count 32; }
40% { counter-increment: count 64; }
50% { counter-increment: count 128; }
60% { counter-increment: count 256; }
70% { counter-increment: count 512; }
80% { counter-increment: count 1024; }
90% { counter-increment: count 2048; }
100% { counter-increment: count 4000; }

div::after {
font: 800 40px system-ui;
content: counter(count);
animation: counter 5s linear forwards;
counter-reset: count 0;

CSS Animation working on Chrome but not on Safari

It's because you're not setting the full range on the transform percentage. Safari requires that you specify the 100% endpoint. See this related answer: CSS3 animation not working in safari

css3 animation not working in chrome

You have to put the general animation rule after the browser specific ones:

-webkit-animation: aia2 5s linear infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: aia2 5s linear infinite alternate;
-ms-animation: aia2 5s linear infinite alternate;
-o-animation: aia2 5s linear infinite alternate;
animation: aia2 5s linear infinite alternate; /* this comes last */

And since you have -webkit-animation: aia2, -moz-animation: aia2 etc. you have to set the animation for each browser like:

@-moz-keyframes aia2{

@-webkit-keyframes aia2{
@-o-keyframes aia2{

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