What Are Alternatives to The Span-Element

What are alternatives to the span-element?

First you should look whether some tag matches semantically. For instance, you might have a text which requires emphasis, in which case em is the best choice. Another case is if you have a heading, which you could style with h1, ..., h6. Always first consider this option!

If there really is no meaning to the text you want to style, or at least, not a meaning supported by css, you can use either span (for inline text) or div (for block elements).

Is there any alternative to span?

Just add display:inline-block; in .square class.

body {} img {  width: 100%;}.h {  font-family: "Arial";  font-size: 30px;  text-align: center;  color: #FFF;}.h span {  position: relative;  background-color: #00A0E8;  padding-left: 18px;  padding-right: 18px;  padding-top: 3px;  padding-bottom: 3px;}.square {  display:inline-block;  position: relative;  background-color: #00A0E8;  padding-left: 18px;  padding-right: 18px;  padding-top: 3px;  padding-bottom: 3px;}
<div class="h"><span><b>I WANT</b> THIS</span></div>
<br><br><div class="h"> <div class="square"><b>I GET</b> THIS</div></div>

Alternative to span

Personally, I'd use <em> or <small>. They're both valid and fully supported, furthermore they impart some style of their own which could be useful.

But you don't event need a replacement - just use span without the class and target it differently in the CSS:

.ajax_cart_total span {font-size:0.8em;}

An alternative for div inside anchor tag other than span?

You can alternatively use a pseudo element like :after ... that doesn't add an unnecessary empty tag to the markup:

li a {
position: relative;
display: block;
width: 600px;
li p, li a:after {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
li p {
float: left;
background: #268388;
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
line-height: 200px;
li a:after {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
background: url(http://placehold.it/600x400) no-repeat;
background-size: cover;

I combined the overlapping rules, to make it a bit more dry.


When to use span instead p?

You should keep in mind, that HTML is intended to DESCRIBE the content it contains.

So, if you wish to convey a paragraph, then do so.

Your comparison isn't exactly right, though. The more direct comparison would be

When to use a <div> instead of a <p>?

as both are block level elements.

A <span> is inline, much like an anchor (<a>), <strong>, emphasis (<em>), etc., so bear in mind that by it's default nature in both html and in natural writing, that a paragraph will cause a break before and after itself, like a <div>.

Sometimes, when styling things — inline things — a <span> is great to give you something to "hook" the css to, but it is otherwise an empty tag devoid of semantic or stylistic meaning.

Should I use i tag for icons instead of span?

Why are they using <i> tag to display icons ?

Because it is:

  • Short
  • i stands for icon (although not in HTML)

Is it not a bad practice ?

Awful practice. It is a triumph of performance over semantics.

What is the difference between HTML div and span elements?

  • div is a block element
  • span is an inline element.

This means that to use them semantically, divs should be used to wrap sections of a document, while spans should be used to wrap small portions of text, images, etc.

For example:

<div>This a large main division, with <span>a small bit</span> of spanned text!</div>

Note that it is illegal to place a block-level element within an inline element, so:

<div>Some <span>text that <div>I want</div> to mark</span> up</div>

...is illegal.

EDIT: As of HTML5, some block elements can be placed inside of some inline elements. See the MDN reference here for a pretty clear listing. The above is still illegal, as <span> only accepts phrasing content, and <div> is flow content.

You asked for some concrete examples, so is one taken from my bowling website, BowlSK:

<div id="header">  <div id="userbar">    Hi there, <span class="username">Chris Marasti-Georg</span> |    <a href="/edit-profile.html">Profile</a> |    <a href="https://www.bowlsk.com/_ah/logout?...">Sign out</a>  </div>  <h1><a href="/">Bowl<span class="sk">SK</span></a></h1></div>

Are there better alternatives to my current usage of onclick?

You might consider using event delegation instead - listen for change events on the container of the radio buttons, then use an object indexed by radio button value to determine what display style to set:

const changingContent = document.getElementById("changing-content");const container = document.querySelector('.fieldset-radio');container.addEventListener('change', checkRadioAnswer);
const displayByValue = { 1: 'none', 2: 'block', 3: 'none', 4: 'block'}function checkRadioAnswer() { const checkedRadio = container.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked'); changingContent.style.display = displayByValue[checkedRadio.value];}
<fieldset class="fieldset-radio">  <legend>    <h1 class="question-primary">The question goes here</h1>  </legend>  <div class="field-radioButton">    <label for="answer1">      <input id="answer1"        type="radio"        name="genericRadio"        value="1"        checked="checked">      <span>1st answer text</span>    </label>  </div>  <div class="field-radioButton">    <label for="answer2">      <input id="answer2"        type="radio"        name="genericRadio"        value="2">      <span>2nd answer text</span>    </label>  </div>  <div class="field-radioButton">    <label for="answer3">      <input id="answer3"        type="radio"        name="genericRadio"        value="3">      <span>3rd answer text</span>    </label>  </div>  <div class="field-radioButton">    <label for="answer4">      <input id="answer4"        type="radio"        name="genericRadio"        value="4">      <span>4th answer text</span>    </label>  </div></fieldset>
<div id="changing-content"> <p>Content depending on answer goes here</p></div>

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