Scroll Bug in Ie7 and Ie9 When Using CSS3Pie Gradient

Scroll bug in ie7 and ie9 when using css3pie gradient

nevermind, it seems you have to add the -pie-track-active:false to all ancestor elements that use a PIE behavior

linear-gradient using CSS3 PIE in IE9 not working, IE8 does

OK, here's my fix. It certainly isn't pretty, but it works.

<style type="text/css">
background: #E6E6E6;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#E6E6E6), to(#B3BCC7));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);
background: -o-linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);
background: linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);
-pie-background: linear-gradient(#E6E6E6, #B3BCC7);

behavior: url(/;

<!--[if IE 9]><style>body{ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='#E6E6E6', endColorstr='#B3BCC7'); behavior: url(/; } </style><![endif]-->

EDIT: If anybody wants them, is found at and is found at I couldn't get to work unless it was in the root directory, worked in my /resources/ directory.

css3pie - scrollbars not working inside element with pie applied

So I never found an explanation about why this was happening. I believe that scrolling the content inside the page element with PIE applied would cause the style to be reapplied causing the "Behavior:" to be evoked and stopping the scroll event.

I ended up solving the issue by taking the content i needed to apply the scroll to our of the element with pie applied. In my case I was applying rounded corners to the container that the scroll bars were inside. I put a div above and below the content and applied the corner rounding to the top and bottom divs.

This way the scroll bars would work normally, and the rounded corners would be applied. Though yet again there was a work around for IE7.

ie9 not rendering bottom part of background gradient

for me I will use .SVG to render for IE9

background: url();

I will recommend you to use :

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