React-Datepicker Input Width Will Not Adjust to 100%

react-datepicker input width will not adjust to 100%

I had the same issue and solved it thanks to Rbar's answer.

Wrap your DatePicker component with a custom container. Then assign the width to that container and its children like below:

import "./customDatePickerWidth.css";

<div className="customDatePickerWidth">
<DatePicker dateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" />

Inside the customDatePickerWidth.css:

.customDatePickerWidth > div.react-datepicker-wrapper,
.customDatePickerWidth > div > div.react-datepicker__input-container
.customDatePickerWidth > div > div.react-datepicker__input-container input {
width: 100%;

How can I reduce width and height of my dateTimePicker?

Override the CSS rules of react-datetime like the following:

.rdtPicker {
width: 400px; //Change it your preferred width

.rdtPicker tr {
height: 50px; //Choose the height of each row so that the overall height will change

Here's a working pen.

I'm having trouble with react-datepicker position

I fixed it as react-popper will place the popover in the same constraints as the
parent div. For cases where the parent div is somehow constrained -- a
scrollable div -- the popper will appear inside the div and will be
constrained by it to.

In my case I wanted the popover to be unconstrained it's
parent. To fix this, I placed the popover in a container outside of
the constrained container.

import { Portal } from "react-overlays";

const CalendarContainer = ({ children }) => {
const el = document.getElementById("calendar-portal");

return <Portal container={el}>{children}</Portal>;

And added the popperContainer prop to the DatePicker like so:

className="text-center date-picker-reports"
placeholderText="Choose a start date"

Final Result:

Sample Image

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