Please Explain in Detail This Part of Yui3 CSS Reset

What does * before a CSS property do?

This is an IE hack. The second line is only correctly parsed and executed by IE 7 and below. See for more information.

Edit: One remark on using such (invalid!) CSS: please don't. There are plenty of ways of keeping your CSS clean of such mess. You'll never know what behavior IE9 might bring. Better to put these kind of hacks in a separate CSS file which can then be included through conditional comments.

Reset/remove CSS styles for element only

The CSS3 keyword initial sets the CSS3 property to the initial value as defined in the spec. The initial keyword has broad browser support except for the IE and Opera Mini families.

Since IE's lack of support may cause issue here are some of the ways you can reset some CSS properties to their initial values:

.reset-this {
animation : none;
animation-delay : 0;
animation-direction : normal;
animation-duration : 0;
animation-fill-mode : none;
animation-iteration-count : 1;
animation-name : none;
animation-play-state : running;
animation-timing-function : ease;
backface-visibility : visible;
background : 0;
background-attachment : scroll;
background-clip : border-box;
background-color : transparent;
background-image : none;
background-origin : padding-box;
background-position : 0 0;
background-position-x : 0;
background-position-y : 0;
background-repeat : repeat;
background-size : auto auto;
border : 0;
border-style : none;
border-width : medium;
border-color : inherit;
border-bottom : 0;
border-bottom-color : inherit;
border-bottom-left-radius : 0;
border-bottom-right-radius : 0;
border-bottom-style : none;
border-bottom-width : medium;
border-collapse : separate;
border-image : none;
border-left : 0;
border-left-color : inherit;
border-left-style : none;
border-left-width : medium;
border-radius : 0;
border-right : 0;
border-right-color : inherit;
border-right-style : none;
border-right-width : medium;
border-spacing : 0;
border-top : 0;
border-top-color : inherit;
border-top-left-radius : 0;
border-top-right-radius : 0;
border-top-style : none;
border-top-width : medium;
bottom : auto;
box-shadow : none;
box-sizing : content-box;
caption-side : top;
clear : none;
clip : auto;
color : inherit;
columns : auto;
column-count : auto;
column-fill : balance;
column-gap : normal;
column-rule : medium none currentColor;
column-rule-color : currentColor;
column-rule-style : none;
column-rule-width : none;
column-span : 1;
column-width : auto;
content : normal;
counter-increment : none;
counter-reset : none;
cursor : auto;
direction : ltr;
display : inline;
empty-cells : show;
float : none;
font : normal;
font-family : inherit;
font-size : medium;
font-style : normal;
font-variant : normal;
font-weight : normal;
height : auto;
hyphens : none;
left : auto;
letter-spacing : normal;
line-height : normal;
list-style : none;
list-style-image : none;
list-style-position : outside;
list-style-type : disc;
margin : 0;
margin-bottom : 0;
margin-left : 0;
margin-right : 0;
margin-top : 0;
max-height : none;
max-width : none;
min-height : 0;
min-width : 0;
opacity : 1;
orphans : 0;
outline : 0;
outline-color : invert;
outline-style : none;
outline-width : medium;
overflow : visible;
overflow-x : visible;
overflow-y : visible;
padding : 0;
padding-bottom : 0;
padding-left : 0;
padding-right : 0;
padding-top : 0;
page-break-after : auto;
page-break-before : auto;
page-break-inside : auto;
perspective : none;
perspective-origin : 50% 50%;
position : static;
/* May need to alter quotes for different locales (e.g fr) */
quotes : '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';
right : auto;
tab-size : 8;
table-layout : auto;
text-align : inherit;
text-align-last : auto;
text-decoration : none;
text-decoration-color : inherit;
text-decoration-line : none;
text-decoration-style : solid;
text-indent : 0;
text-shadow : none;
text-transform : none;
top : auto;
transform : none;
transform-style : flat;
transition : none;
transition-delay : 0s;
transition-duration : 0s;
transition-property : none;
transition-timing-function : ease;
unicode-bidi : normal;
vertical-align : baseline;
visibility : visible;
white-space : normal;
widows : 0;
width : auto;
word-spacing : normal;
z-index : auto;
/* basic modern patch */
all: initial;
all: unset;

/* basic modern patch */

#reset-this-root {
all: initial;
* {
all: unset;
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As mentioned in a comment by @user566245 :

this is correct in principle, but individual mileage may vary. For
example certain elements like textarea by default have a border,
applying this reset will render those textarea's border less.


Nobody thought about other than css to reset css? Yes?

There is that snip fully relevant :

getElementsByTagName("*") will return all elements from DOM. Then you
may set styles for each element in the collection:

answered Feb 9 '13 at 20:15 by VisioN

var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0, len = allElements.length; i < len; i++) {
var element = allElements[i];
// = ...

With all this said; i don't think a css reset is something feasable unless we end up with only one web browser .. if the 'default' is set by browser in the end.

For comparison, here is Firefox 40.0 values list for a
<blockquote style="all: unset;font-style: oblique"> where font-style: oblique triggers DOM operation.

align-content: unset;
align-items: unset;
align-self: unset;
animation: unset;
appearance: unset;
backface-visibility: unset;
background-blend-mode: unset;
background: unset;
binding: unset;
block-size: unset;
border-block-end: unset;
border-block-start: unset;
border-collapse: unset;
border-inline-end: unset;
border-inline-start: unset;
border-radius: unset;
border-spacing: unset;
border: unset;
bottom: unset;
box-align: unset;
box-decoration-break: unset;
box-direction: unset;
box-flex: unset;
box-ordinal-group: unset;
box-orient: unset;
box-pack: unset;
box-shadow: unset;
box-sizing: unset;
caption-side: unset;
clear: unset;
clip-path: unset;
clip-rule: unset;
clip: unset;
color-adjust: unset;
color-interpolation-filters: unset;
color-interpolation: unset;
color: unset;
column-fill: unset;
column-gap: unset;
column-rule: unset;
columns: unset;
content: unset;
control-character-visibility: unset;
counter-increment: unset;
counter-reset: unset;
cursor: unset;
display: unset;
dominant-baseline: unset;
empty-cells: unset;
fill-opacity: unset;
fill-rule: unset;
fill: unset;
filter: unset;
flex-flow: unset;
flex: unset;
float-edge: unset;
float: unset;
flood-color: unset;
flood-opacity: unset;
font-family: unset;
font-feature-settings: unset;
font-kerning: unset;
font-language-override: unset;
font-size-adjust: unset;
font-size: unset;
font-stretch: unset;
font-style: oblique;
font-synthesis: unset;
font-variant: unset;
font-weight: unset;
font: ;
force-broken-image-icon: unset;
height: unset;
hyphens: unset;
image-orientation: unset;
image-region: unset;
image-rendering: unset;
ime-mode: unset;
inline-size: unset;
isolation: unset;
justify-content: unset;
justify-items: unset;
justify-self: unset;
left: unset;
letter-spacing: unset;
lighting-color: unset;
line-height: unset;
list-style: unset;
margin-block-end: unset;
margin-block-start: unset;
margin-inline-end: unset;
margin-inline-start: unset;
margin: unset;
marker-offset: unset;
marker: unset;
mask-type: unset;
mask: unset;
max-block-size: unset;
max-height: unset;
max-inline-size: unset;
max-width: unset;
min-block-size: unset;
min-height: unset;
min-inline-size: unset;
min-width: unset;
mix-blend-mode: unset;
object-fit: unset;
object-position: unset;
offset-block-end: unset;
offset-block-start: unset;
offset-inline-end: unset;
offset-inline-start: unset;
opacity: unset;
order: unset;
orient: unset;
outline-offset: unset;
outline-radius: unset;
outline: unset;
overflow: unset;
padding-block-end: unset;
padding-block-start: unset;
padding-inline-end: unset;
padding-inline-start: unset;
padding: unset;
page-break-after: unset;
page-break-before: unset;
page-break-inside: unset;
paint-order: unset;
perspective-origin: unset;
perspective: unset;
pointer-events: unset;
position: unset;
quotes: unset;
resize: unset;
right: unset;
ruby-align: unset;
ruby-position: unset;
scroll-behavior: unset;
scroll-snap-coordinate: unset;
scroll-snap-destination: unset;
scroll-snap-points-x: unset;
scroll-snap-points-y: unset;
scroll-snap-type: unset;
shape-rendering: unset;
stack-sizing: unset;
stop-color: unset;
stop-opacity: unset;
stroke-dasharray: unset;
stroke-dashoffset: unset;
stroke-linecap: unset;
stroke-linejoin: unset;
stroke-miterlimit: unset;
stroke-opacity: unset;
stroke-width: unset;
stroke: unset;
tab-size: unset;
table-layout: unset;
text-align-last: unset;
text-align: unset;
text-anchor: unset;
text-combine-upright: unset;
text-decoration: unset;
text-emphasis-position: unset;
text-emphasis: unset;
text-indent: unset;
text-orientation: unset;
text-overflow: unset;
text-rendering: unset;
text-shadow: unset;
text-size-adjust: unset;
text-transform: unset;
top: unset;
transform-origin: unset;
transform-style: unset;
transform: unset;
transition: unset;
user-focus: unset;
user-input: unset;
user-modify: unset;
user-select: unset;
vector-effect: unset;
vertical-align: unset;
visibility: unset;
white-space: unset;
width: unset;
will-change: unset;
window-dragging: unset;
word-break: unset;
word-spacing: unset;
word-wrap: unset;
writing-mode: unset;
z-index: unset;

are margin and padding most disbalanced thing among all browser?

You can find all default styles here: CSS2.1 User Agent Style Sheet Defaults.

If you investigate the list closely, then you'll notice that the browser-specific margins are only set for HTML-standard block elements and that nowhere a browser-specific padding is been set. In other words, the padding: 0 is superfluous. But indeed, the margin is the most disbalanced among browsers, to answer your actual question.

I am probably going to tread on someone's toes here, but in my humblest opinion using a CSS reset stylesheet is ridiculous. You would have to redefine most of those margins (and paddings) yourself anyway. You could as good just learn and keep yourself the rule to define yourself the margin (and if necessary padding) for every block element which you're going to use in the document.

As to the remnant of the reset:

  • The border: 0 is superflous as well. The <hr> and the most form input elements are the only elements which have a default border. Without it, the <hr> is invisible (actually, this fails in IE6/7) and the text input elements on a form with same background color are invisible as well.

  • The outline should certainly not be resetted, it breaks accessibility. You need to control it yourself, e.g. resetting it yourself on only links with a (background) image since that's the major reason to reset it. But still, it breaks accessibility. Rather consider giving it a different outline color or style so that it is still visible, but less disturbing.

  • The font-size: 100% would force you to redefine them yourself in the <h1>, <h2>, etc elements. But even without the reset, you would often already like to do that anyway. What's the point of this reset then?

  • The vertical-align: baseline; breaks alignment of <sub> and <sup> so that they look like <small>. Further the table headers may also be affected. Those defaults to middle in all browsers. You would need to redefine them yourself again. Plus, it is known that this reset may cause IE6/7 to go havoc with images.

  • The value of background: transparent; is unclear to me. I don't see any point of this reset expect that it may make IE6/7 mad. You would also need to redefine the background color for all form input elements yourself again which just adds more work (for the case they're placed in a colored container). I am sure that whenever you encounter an element which needs transparent background, you could easily spot that yourself and set it yourself.

Enfin, see what you do with this information. I don't stop you from using the CSS reset. I myself have found the CSS reset only useful >10 years back when I was just starting with HTML/CSS. But with years and years, I've learnt as well that this is plain nonsense. But I admit, it's useful for starters since the reset will force them to set the margins and other stuff themselves explicitly. Which you could do as good without the reset.

use YUI grid css style for partial page

The grids should not be affecting other divs, but you appear to be loading reset-fonts-grids, the reset part of that would be affecting other divs. You also appear to be loading 3.9.0 YUI but CSS from version 2.x (2.9.0) I'd suggest avoiding crossing that barrier unless you really know why you want to.

There are reset, fonts, and grids CSS files for 3.9.0 too. In the case of using the 3.9.0 version you can use a contextual reset class to constrain the part of the page that it works against. To do so you want to load "cssreset-context/cssreset-context-min.css" and then add the "yui3-cssreset" class to the container that you want reset. This is documented here:

Dynamic loading of stylesheet using YUI3

Did you try using your own variable to check if it's already been loaded?

var css_obj;

function LoadCss() {
if (css_obj == null) {
css_obj = Y.Get.css(location.pathname+"/../css/"+jta["iss"]+".css");

and if you're using jQuery you could write

$(document).ready(function(){ LoadCss(); });

Why is YUI.add required when specifying YUI modules and if it is required how can non-YUI modules work?

It's important to distinguish between custom modules that utilize YUI3 features (sandboxed Y.Lang, etc) and completely external code.

In the first case, the YUI.add() wrapper is always necessary, because the sandbox Y variable isn't available outside the module callback (the second argument to YUI.add()). The repetition of module configuration is unfortunately necessary in hand-written modules due to constraints within Y.Loader (where the combo-loading magic happens). Modules that employ YUI's build tools have the wrapper and metadata added automagically.

With completely external code, you only need to provide the fullpath config property, and YUI will do the right thing. Internally, YUI knows when a given <script> request finishes, and associates that success with the configured module name.

To simplify things, I'll be using YUI.applyConfig to demonstrate the config bits. Using that, you can create any number of YUI sandboxes (via YUI().use(...)) with the config mixed in, instead of repeating it all over the place.

"modules": {
"leaflet": {
"fullpath": ""
"my-leaflet-thing": {
"path": "path/to/my-leaflet-thing.js",
"requires": [

my-leaflet-thing.js looks something like this:

YUI.add("my-leaflet-thing", function (Y) {
// a safe reference to the global "L" provided by leaflet.js
var L =;

Y.MyLeafletThing = Y.Base.create("myLeaflet", Y.Base, {
initializer: function () {
var id = this.get('node').get('id');
var map =;
// etc
}, {
node: {

// third argument is a version number,
// but it doesn't affect anything right now
}, "1.0.0", {
"requires": [

Given this setup, since this requires a non-asynchronous library, you can safely do this:

YUI().use("my-leaflet-thing", function (Y) {
var instance = new Y.MyLeafletThing({
"node": "#foo"

Note: If an external file does dynamic loading of its own (e.g., async Google Maps API), YUI will only be aware of the initial request success, not the entire chain of files loaded. To address this, you'll need to use the querystring callback argument in the fullpath config, associated with some globally-exposed callback in the module that requires it.

In these cases, it's better to do an internal Y.use() (note the sandbox variable) to better encapsulate the required globals.


"modules": {
"google-maps-api": {
"fullpath": "" +
"my-google-map-thing": {
"path": "path/to/my-google-map-thing.js",
"requires": [


YUI.add("my-google-map-thing", function (Y) {
// publish a custom event that will be fired from the global callback
Y.publish('gmaps:ready', {
emitFacade: true,
fireOnce: true

// private sentinel to determine if Y.use() has been called
var isUsed = false;

// expose global function that matches "callback" parameter value = function () {
// is now available'gmaps:ready');

Y.MyGoogleMapThing = Y.Base.create("myGoogleMap", Y.Base, {
initializer: function () {
Y.on('gmaps:ready', this.render, this);
if (!isUsed) {
isUsed = true;
render: function () {
// safe reference to global "google"
var google =;
var id = this.get('node').get('id');
var map = new google.maps.Map(id, {
// ...
// etc
}, {
node: {

}, "1.0.0", {
"requires": [

To sum up: YUI.add() is only necessary when writing modules that depend on YUI3 sandboxed resources. Loading external code, as long as it is all synchronous, is as simple as employing the fullpath config property. Asynchronous external loading is a bit hairier, but still possible.

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